Amir Khan
Amir Khan champion Boxer and future boxing legend at manchester 10k in 2007.
The photo was originally taken on may 30 2007 and uploaded to flickr as Gary Taylor and Amir Khan under the under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License, where it was taken, edited and uploaded to wikimedia commons.
Someone recommended me to read: 'Outliers' by Malcolm Gladwell.
I haven't yet.
But I was reading about it.
"Outlier" is a scientific term to describe things or phenomena that lie outside normal experience. In the summer, in Paris, we expect most days to be somewhere between warm and very hot. But imagine if you had a day in the middle of August where the temperature fell below freezing. That day would be outlier.
So we all know what an Outlier is.
In this book I'm interested in people who are outliers—in men and women who, for one reason or another, are so accomplished and so extraordinary and so outside of ordinary experience that they are as puzzling to the rest of us as a cold day in August.
Sounds good doesn't it?
More pre dawn lights
Just a follow up to this image. It's a pity that the reds and the greens are pretty muted in the picture.
A pre-dawn view
Just something I took today. Never came out that well - maybe I should have played about with some settings, but I was in a sort of rush.
There is also another accompanying image.
Blue Minaret
Photo of a blue minaret from Muscat, Oman.
This photo is taken and uploaded to Flickr by Lars under Creative commons BY SA 2.0 licence, and was uploaded to Wikimedia Commons under the same terms.
Law Abiding Citizen - Trailer film