
Being a Muslim

Being a Muslim

This life is a journey, and we must do our best to worship Allah alone, and follow the Sunnah of His beloved Messenger, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

Narrated Mu'adh bin Jabal:
The Prophet said, "O Mu'adh! Do you know what Allah's Right upon His slaves is?" I said, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet said, "To worship Him (Allah) Alone and to join none in worship with Him (Allah). Do you know what their right upon Him is?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know best." The Prophet said, "Not to punish them (if they do so)."
Volume 9, Book 93, Number 470

Tzipi Livni

DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 24JAN08 - Tzipi Livni, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, addresses the audience during the session 'Middle East: After Annapolis, After Paris' at the Annual Meeting 2008 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 24, 2008.

Copyright World Economic Forum (, by Andy Mettler and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 licence Via Flickr.

Genetic 'map' of Asia's diversity

Their findings support the hypothesis that Asia was populated primarily through a single migration event from the south.

The researchers described their findings in the journal Science.

They found genetic similarities between populations throughout Asia and an increase in genetic diversity from northern to southern latitudes.

The team screened genetic samples from 73 Asian populations for more than 50,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).

These are variations in pieces of the DNA code, which can be compared to find out how closely related two individuals are genetically.

Diversity explained
