
Russia joins the Assault on ISIS.

Syrian Flag

Russia has loudly entered the Syrian conflict, declaring its war on ISIS.

ISIS, the same bogeyman the western governments want us to be terrified of while ignore the butchery committed by Bashar al Assad.

This intervention has arrived at an opportune moment with the West wavering on who and where they want to fight and Turkey being in a state of flux due to inconclusive elections in June that have left the country in a situation where we are still waiting to see who holds the balance of power.

The Russian intervention could be a game changer, or it could simply only slow the collapse of teh Assad Regime.

The one thing the Russian intervention "against ISIS" has not done, is to actually attack ISIS.

Halaal Coke

Halaal Coke

Sometimes, people are really dismayed when sources of leftwing pro immigrant news such as the Daily Mail fail to cover really important news.

After all, if you cant even rely on the newspapers, who can you rely upon?


White saviour complex V Muslim Women

There was an interesting article that was posted in (video of incident that inspired article contains nudity) which discussed the incredulity shown by many westerners when told that Muslim women have always found Islam empowering.

The article is a good read. It was written in response to a Muslim event in France that was discussing the role of women where a couple of protesters from Femen stormed the stage and got naked to "protest for equality".

Cruel Britannia

Two Child Syrian Refugees

Anyone watching the news will have heard that there is a refugee crisis going on.

The coverage of the refugees has certainly softened over time, from describing them as vermin to swarms, to now describing them as migrants.

While this is still not accurate, it be better than the earlier coverage.

News has mostly turned to the stance taken in relation to refugees by Germany and Hungary.

Eastern European Hostility

The Hungarian Prime Minister has declared himself as the protector of Europe from the scurge of Islam (conveniently forgetting where some refugees from Hungary went during the time of the Ottoman Empire). He does not want any refugees in his country and considers the refugees as a German problem.
