Do we need Political Parties?

Do we need Political Parties?

All Parties very rarely give their MP's a free vote. The Cabinet makes and sets policy. Hence the need for a whips office to force through votes. Most sadly of all, 75%+ of all MP seats are that safe, always Tory or always Labour etc. Then they ask why electorate have stopped voting.

            On top of all this, because most parties are losing membership because of,     a] Party activist are getting older [maybe wiser]. b] new members, are few and far between. c} It's hard to see the join, that separates the major parties as they all scramble for the middle ground. Lastly but most importantly, the Government may think that they run the Country, but the best they or we can hope for, is that they will act as strong referees to keep the Rich and Powerful, The Large Multinationals in check. Also when it comes to agreeing multinational treaties they get the best deal that they can.

            Again back to my original question, "Do we need Political Parties?".

Most MP's, regardless of what the media says, are honest caring people. Yes they MP's because it gives them a buzz and status and it is just the odd few that abuse the system.

            What I am proposing is a True Local and National Parliamentary Democracy. How? Working on the current system of Parish and/or Local Councils. These are in the main a mix of Non political local interest groups, Independent Councillors and Councillors from the main Political Parties. But all have one thing in common that most MP's do not. They have lived in the area that they represent before being elected. Not parachuted in, sometimes against the wishes of local party activists.

Change one; all prospective MP's must fulfil the residency requirements that are currently required by local councillors.

Change two, Once the MP is elected he serves for a fixed term of three years.

Similar to what Unitary Authorities do at the moment. Initially all MP's seats would be up for election. Then one third of MP's seats to be voted or next year. Half the remaining seats to be voted for on year two. The remaining MP's seats to be voted for on year three. Which MP's come up for election, to be by the means of a simple draw. Thereafter one third of all Parliamentary seats would be up for election every year.

            On reaching Westminister.As there would be no Parties, there would be no Party Whips. The MP's would Choose a Leader of the House and two Deputy Leaders. These three people would select from the MP's who would have Ministerial positions etc forming a National Government. These people would set out policy and would have to explain their actions to the remaining MP's who would vote on it.

            A true Parliamentary Democracy which would make use of the talents of all the MP's, forever stopping swings and allow Parliamentarians to be united in their main proper function. Which is to act as strong referee between the people and Rich and Powerful, Keping the Large Multinationals in check. Also when it comes to agreeing multinational treaties, they can get the best deal that they can because they will be serving the Countries interest, not the party.


This all will require people with similar goals to work together.

Which may eventually re-form informal groupings akin to the curent political party structure.

Political representation is atough question nd unfortunately often enough maketing matters more than actual policy or whether it will help or hinder the people. IMO.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

This all will require people with similar goals to work together.

Which may eventually re-form informal groupings akin to the curent political party structure.

Both statemets very true, Things change, but then end up back where they started.

This is the reason revolutions are called revolutions, Mankind always forgets how things were, then reinvents the wheel.