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Xperia X10 and Android 2.3

I have updated the software version on my phone to Android 2.3.3 - I was impatient and followed the guide over here which allowed me to get the update faster.

I have to say the new animation when the screen turns off is pretty nifty - its like those old CRT TV's when they would turn off.

I also now have the ability to use the latest apps such as iplayer and the flash plugin for the web browser.

So far so good.

Just a warning for those who wish to follow my path - the backup app with the phone when using android 2.1 does not exist when using 2.3, so make sure you use a separate one that will back up your settings.

You can't take the sky from Me!

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me...

(Ballad of Serenity)

Moved to new servers.

tl;dr - moved to new servers, should be faster, less troublesome inshallah.

OK, after a few weeks of choppy performance on the previous hosts, I have moved the site over to a new host.

This should mean both a faster site and less issued.

However I had not moved earlier as the old providers provided more hands on support for managing the server and I had gottne used to being lazy. Not only that, moving servers can always uncover issued and problems.

The new virtual server is a lot faster than the old one, but I will now need to brush up my skills on how to manage it - and today went a long way with that as since a few things did go wrong, I had to figure out how to fix things myself.

Government to attack "unbritish" Muslim behaviour

The last government had a "prevent" strategy to fight (mostly Muslim) extremism (which had some good goals but was also used to spy on the Muslim community and had a pretty negative image within the Muslim community).

Now this government wants to replace it with another one, but this instead of targeting violence or the promotion of violence, instead wants to focus on fighting what the government considers unbritish behaviour.

Freedom is cheap

Currently the middle east is going through a set of disturbances, something which is undoing a part of what was done there a century ago when the countries were carved up and eventually lead to a multitude of despicable regimes.

What they are fighting for is also a multitude of things, but a major theme is one of dignity and freedom. and jobs and prosperity, but the latter can be eased by the former.

So far Tunisia and Egypt caved and the regimes fell - the end result may be for the good, or it may be the same or worse, as instability always has a price.

Yemen is brinking on the edge of total chaos where the ruling President has promised to stand down but not many believe him. Some prominent figures, including in the army have asked him to go, others have asked him to stay.
