We live in a time where Muslim women are ashamed to put on their headscarves and Muslim men think it's better to have the "smooth" look than to let their beards grow. The world is so full of temptations and desires that it has become difficult for us to follow the right path. In other words, life as a PRACTISING Muslim can be pretty hard. But the question that remains is - "Are we REALLY striving for the cause of Allah??" Agreed that the name of islam has been tarnished by the media and the like, but that gives us no reason not to stand up for our Islam and defend our beautiful religion. " I wont' fit in " or " What if no one wants to be friends with me? " are thoughts that probably cross our minds when we think about following Islam. But have we ever thought about how much time we spend trying to follow rules set for us by PEOPLE and not spend even half that time trying to follow the rules set for us by OUR CREATOR!!!! Inferiority complexes and fear of losing out on friends, leads us to do acts that are against the commands of Allah.
The way Islam is being viewed as a religion that condones terrorism and acts of violence has been a huge blow to all Muslims, especially the youth. Constant made-up news about so called "Muslim terrorists" has been flooding the front pages of our daily newspapers. But have we really tried in our own little ways to clear the major misconceptions among people???
What strikes me as ironical is that while the Muslim girls and women in many parts of Europe and the west are fighting for their rights to wear their hijab, Muslimahs in the middle east and other Muslim/secular countries are more than willing to pull OFF their hijabs. I just can't fathom how we can remain united as an Ummah (a nation) if we're afraid to show our true selves to the world. It's a pitiful scenario wherein we have two extreme sides - One fighting to save the identity of Islam and the other doing everything they can to have a different identity.
Muslim youths all around the world are facing innumerable problems, but it's ultimately upto us to unite and show the world the REAL ISLAM, not just through our words but also through action and behaviour.
Let us remember that while the society might shun us and treat us like strangers, we will at the end of the day remain in Allahs' good books Inshaallah. Because sooner than later, we have to realize that there will be a day of judgement where each one of us will be held responsible for what we've done in this world. let us pray that Allah makes the Muslim Ummah stronger and of the steadfast.
It's time for us, the Muslim youth, to unite and carry forward the light of Islam. May the light of Islam never extinguish, may Allahs' word - The Glorious Quran become our Book of Inspiration, the Prophets and their companions our role models and ISLAM OUR WAY OF LIFE!!!!
I say all this to myself before i do to anyone else. And indeed Allah knows EVERYTHING.
Salaam Alaikum to the future torch-bearers of Islam
since when???
I see way more hijabis than non hijabis
and why Islam always reduced to dress
I guess that depends on a person's definition of Hijaab
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
but I'm taking about a general head cover hijab
I actually also disagree with the first statement about hijab and beard. In fact I have seen many MORE women covering their heads as Iram has mentioned, and also many more men growing their beards. However , Islam is not just about hijab and beard though is it?
Islam is about the WAY OF LIFE, a single persons lifestyle and character. Islam is about good intentions, good deeds and actions etc.
The media has tarnished the view of Islam and it is upon the youth to change this view- but 'how' I believe is the question.
Why just tell them, ' mate, you need to change of the view of Islam!'.
We need to advice them (and ourselves, as I consider myself still a youth
), educate them/us and show that Islam is about love first and foremost.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
I consider you a youth too, but mostly because of your profile pic >.<
Mine is of a baby too
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Lol I like your profile pic...
I'm an older youth
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Cheers >.<
Only as old as you feel (;
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Assalamu Alaikum sis...!!
Way to go sister..!! May Allah reward you..Ameen

>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow
Hijab is not just head cover, it needs to satisfy the following:
1. It should cover all parts of her body except the face and the hands up to the wrist(although some scholars say even the face should be covered)
2. The covering must not be decorated or embellished with various colors but it should be of opaque material with only one colour so as not to be attractive or draw attentions to
3. The covering should be opaque and loose and not to be translucent thats reveals a woman's shape or what she is wearing underneath it
4. It should not be designed in stimulation to the clothing of the non-believing women from the aspects of new modes and fashions. This requires that the shape and appearance should be ordinary and familiar.
5. It should not be similar to the clothing of the opposite sex
6. The covering should not even have small amount of perfume because it is not permissible for the Muslimah to get perfumed and get out of her home. For the Prophet (PBUH) said:
"Every eye is adulterous and when a woman perfumes herself and passes a company, she is such and such(meaning adulterous)">Collected by Tirmidhee and Bukhari
>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow
Salaam alaikum,
I live in the gulf and honestly from wat i see......the no of hijabs is definitely reducing. This is just my own perspective, everyone deserves to have their own, so no need to show any hard feelings. We are all Muslims trying to help each other out.
And indeed Allah knows best,
Salaam Alaikum
Stay Safe
Salaam Alaikum sister,
Thank you for the detailed info. Might help those who wear "namesake" hijab.
Jazakallahu Khairan
Salaam Alaikum
Stay Safe
Salaam Alaikum sister,
Thank u for the kind words of encouragement.
Stay safe
Ur sis in Islam
Stay Safe
Salaam Alaikum,
At no point in my blog have i said that Islam is all about hijab and beard only.
But we all have to agree that hijab is a symbol of a Muslimah. No point in sayin' that "I follow Islam in my heart" if u r not doin it in practise is there?? And i totally agree wid u wen u say that Islam is a way of life and not just about hijabsand beards.
Let's not show too many hard feelings and try and help each other out as Muslims.
And indeed Allah knows best.
Salaam Alaikum
p.s.>> no hard feelings intended
Stay Safe
Wa Alaikumussalam,
aye..It's my pleasure sis..!!
BarakAllahu Feek
Salam Alaikum
>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow
never understood people that say i follow it in my heart...till this day it is something i remember a girl saying in RE and i still think 'wht r u on about???!'
religion is all about the practice of it, so for anyone to say (above) doesnt make any sense at all! :doubt:
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
It's *not* all about practising. Its also about having the inner belief, love etc. Both go hand in hand.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
yeah i absolutely agree so i would put that under practising the faith
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
So why did you say
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
when the girl said 'i dont see why u cant practise in my heart' she (non muslim btw) meant that you can just say as a believer of any faith just that (the above) and be done with it, so not carry out the other 'practical' aspects of religion and that i think is craaaazy!
probably shoulda clarified that before, but i never make sense on the first go!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
i kinda like what the sister wrote.
but i'll agree, the first statement is a bit too "wide-brush" and might annoy/put off some reader.
but i dont think anyone's got any big problem with the rest?
so sis, if you want to improve your piece to make it touch more hearts, maybe change or reformulate the ifrst sentence?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
What is wrong with the first sentence?! I see nothing wrong in it.That's the truth!! People might find it bitter when you tell the truth..after all thats how it always is.

>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow
Why do say they are ashamed? TBH I don't think that's the main reason why people don't wear hijab/keep a beard.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
what else is the reason!?! Please enlighten us..

>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow
My friend had these problems where she needed air to be able to reach her hair - thus she didn't wear it.
I think it sounds a little condemning. If you want to keep the ashamed bit then - rephrase it into a question perhaps? Like say 'ARE we ashamed' ('we' used to not single anyone out, rather grouping everyone and not pointing fingers), that way the reader questions themselves and the writer doesn't seem so patronising.
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
ahh, yeah, if i've got one advice its to take advice from Truth. about writing. And it sounds like good advice too!
the first sentence sounds judgemental. many people reading this might be facing difficulties about wearing their hijaab/growing their beard, or might have genuine reasons why they can't, like TRuth mentionned. and many other people will know in some way or another people of the first category
so....you will most probably lose this audience, definitly-ish. and this piece is aimed at them (somewhat) so...that would be kida pointless.
just nasiha oukht, fi amaanillah, wassalam 'alaik
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I find it really awkward taking compliments (hey new forum topic, how to take compliments..seriously) but Merci Lilio
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
Hijab isn't just a piece of cloth, it's much more than that. That is what stops people from wearing one. Once you wear it, you automatically stand out as a Muslim and you are representing Islam.
You think people feel ashamed to do this, I think they're maybe just not ready.
It's not as easy as putting on your other clothes. I imagine it takes a lot of thought, courage etc to begin wearing the hijab - It's a big step.
People just may not feel comfortable to be wearing it because of whatever reason or they may feel they shouldn't because of any other actions they do.
E.g I know someone who used to wear the scarf but didn't want to (cuz she was forced to). Later she felt guilty about wearing it and doing certain other stuff too and she didn't want to be one of those hijabi's who misrepresent Islam and make others look bad too, so in the end she just took it off.
Yeah it'd be better if she kept it on, but was *not* ashamed of Islam, if anything she was ashamed of herself.
So yeah, maybe there are people out there who feel ashamed to represent Islam, but don't believe they're in the majority. There really are other reasons for why people wouldn't wear it.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
yeah...wearing Hijab for the first timers means she has to go thru a lot and Struggle with her desires..which is beloved to Allah..which means she has a wonderful opportunity to come closer to Allah..
well, for your example, i would advice that sister to put on her Hijab back again and do not do things which are not pleasing to Allah...and be proud of her Religion ..!!
I suppose this article is directed to people who are ashamed to showw off their Way Of Life..
Be proud guys..this is a Religion bestowed upon us by The Lord of the Universe itself...not any man-made religion..!!
It is an Honor that we have been Blessed with, it is a gift from Allah-The Most High..!! Accept it and follow His orders whole-heartedly..Paradise will be yours..InshAllah..!!
Allah Knows Best..
May Allah guide us and keep us in His Straight path..Ameen..
Assalamu Alaikum..!!
>>"The believers, men and women are helpers/supporters of one another, they order good and forbid evil and offer their prayers perfectly and pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. They are the ones Allah will have mercy on. Indeed, Allah is Most Pow
how does a hijabi represent Islam and all Muslims
What if ur living in saudi or iran where its mandatory
would ppl still say "oh shes wearin hijab n smokin"
narrow minded ignorance
and why r ppl obsessed with what women r wearing
I thought Islam deals with men and women in an EQUAL way
why does noone focus on a man's outfit
but just a woman's