o.k so my Christian friend wants to be a muslim for a day I told her it's worth a shot. what do you think? Is it possible?
"I want to be a Muslim for a day"
Published by LiL Avish on 16 April, 2011 - 00:10
o.k so my Christian friend wants to be a muslim for a day I told her it's worth a shot. what do you think? Is it possible?
This place is made up of lots of different personalities and Jack is one person. Lil Avish has read the comments from other people, therefore I'm sure Lil Avish doesn't think that everyone on here is like that, and comes out with inappropriate stuff.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I suggest you vote on the poll then, "Is it time for Jack the Ripper to leave and never come back?"
I will honour the majority vote, I promise, have your say now. Don't say later u were not given a chance...
If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"
Be Muslim for a month in Istanbul: pray five times a day and fast
(its actually a 9 day thing. The "month" is just marketing.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.