"I want to be a Muslim for a day"

o.k so my Christian friend wants to be a muslim for a day Smile I told her it's worth a shot. what do you think? Is it possible?


What does that even mean?

How would someone do that?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

LOL u tell me....i guess by being in our shoes for the day Biggrin

The biggest difference will be covering up really, right? As she can't pray or anything. Maybe she should try it out in Ramadhan and keep a fast for a day?

And Welcome to The Revival, Lil Avish! Biggrin

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

yes i guess it would be covering up and staying away from sins- not eating haraam etc.. fasting sounds like a great idea, as she is very interested in Islam mashallah and thankyou, just working my way around lol

Peace Lil Avish!

just a note: being muslim for a day isnt just about fastin, covering up. As you may (or may not) have heard, Islam is more a lifestyle with a religious edge than a religion (completely and utterly my opinion)

It's a bit like you wanting to be a vegetarian for a day. you might just stop eating meat and anything animal related for the day (which might turn out harder than you think) but thats not what vegetarianism is about is it?
Let's look at the definition (Oxford dictionnary) of vegetarian:

a person who does not eat meat or fish, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons.

its a set of belief which led to that particular person stopping from consuming animal products. They *believe* that it is wrong the way animals are killed. They *believe* that it is wrong the way animals are kept for humans to eat only. They *believe* animals shouldnt be used just for eating etc...

and all these *believe*'s led to them stopping from eating a particular food.

Its EXACTLY the same thing with Islam. But a bit more complicated. Because Islam rules and directs and mentions ALL aspect of Life, not just nutrition, or (like other religion) the spiritual side of life.

and like a vegetarian might be angry, annoyed at you for reducing vegetarianism to "not eating animal products", a muslim might get annoyed and angry and think you are making fun of him/her by reducing Islam to "not eating for the day and covering the hair"

But a muslim wouldnt get badly annoyed at you, coz we're taught otherwise in Islam ( Wink )

Not trying to put you off trying it out, lots of people do that sometimes, but i just wanted you to have a think.

So, tell us how you are (if you were) going to go about "being a muslim for a day". And i would *LOVE* to hear about how it went!!

Im Lilly btw, i dont often talk like this, well nearly never. I dont know what got into me. Im usually pretty crazy and silly and I hate arguing.

edit: that was quite a long note. just imagine writing this on a Post-it NOTE. Lilly needs to shut up now..

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

You make a good point Lilly but I think you gotta remember that this person is interested in Islam and it might be good to let them do the little things that they can.

Like what I said about just covering up etc may be the only major change because you'd kinda expect people to have good manners and treat people rightly etc - But obviously that should be explained to the person and everything else too which goes with Islam. But like you said Islam is a way of life therefore if you tell the person they would have to change everything about them in one go it would be too much, it would be throwing them in the deep end, thats why its ok to let them explore a little IMO.

I don't really think I've explained myself properly but I can't really think of the words to, right now, so I'll just leave it at that...

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

no worries, just wanted to cover all sides of the argument. you cover the "go for it" and i cover the "hmm.." (Y)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Totally agree there.....i think if i told her all the rules she would be put off lol....one step at a time sounds good. and since she will shadow me then she will experience what islam is and how its a perfect way of life inshallah

@lily try to look at it at a postive light...whats making you go "hhmm?"

LiL Avish wrote:
@lily try to look at it at a postive light...whats making you go "hhmm?"

nothing! i just knew that the others would do the good side. but i wanted to cover every area of the topic. so i did the "not to great" side. just to do it.

you're muslim?!

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

It could be interesting.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Lilly wrote:
LiL Avish wrote:
@lily try to look at it at a postive light...whats making you go "hhmm?"

nothing! i just knew that the others would do the good side. but i wanted to cover every area of the topic. so i did the "not to great" side. just to do it.

you're muslim?!

lol! why the surprise?? haha

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
Lilly wrote:

nothing! i just knew that the others would do the good side. but i wanted to cover every area of the topic. so i did the "not to great" side. just to do it.

you're muslim?!

lol! why the surprise?? haha

euh... i dont know.. i thought..i dont know what i thought.

well dude, i hope it goes well and inshaAllah she finds ISlam interesting enough to join us!

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

LiL Avish wrote:
o.k so my Christian friend wants to be a muslim for a day Smile I told her it's worth a shot. what do you think? Is it possible?

Send her to me, I'll teach her everythin...

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

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LiL Avish wrote:
lol hope ur not serious

Cos I'm serious I know everything...

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

LiL Avish wrote:
lol hope ur not serious

Don't listen to him.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
LiL Avish wrote:
lol hope ur not serious

Don't listen to him.

Why not, care to explain...

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

Cuz you're being an ass? Blum 3

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Cuz you're being an ass? Blum 3

Thank You MAAAM!!

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

@jack the ripper, thanks for your concern but im doing a scholarship in Islam and so I could teach her from my own knowledge or take her to a sheikh. but yh thanks for your help

LiL Avish wrote:
@jack the ripper, thanks for your concern but im doing a scholarship in Islam and so I could teach her from my own knowledge or take her to a sheikh. but yh thanks for your help

What I can teach her, no sheik can, believe me...

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

thats the problem see...he gives a bad picture of revvy...we wouldnt mind having him on being stupid to people who knows he is. but like.. i'll give a fiver to know what Lil Avish thinks of revvy...

there should be a label attached to him "he does not represent revival" or something.. until...something happens...something good.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
thats the problem see...he gives a bad picture of revvy...we wouldnt mind having him on being stupid to people who knows he is. but like.. i'll give a fiver to know what Lil Avish thinks of revvy...

there should be a label attached to him "he does not represent revival" or something.. until...something happens...something good.

You talking to me? I don't think you're talking to me??

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"

no.. too scared you'll turn into my words into something dirty, then i'll feel dirty and horrible for the rest of the day. Too early to be talking directly to you. but if i tried (talking directly to you), will you live up (or down) to my expectations?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
no.. too scared you'll turn into my words into something dirty, then i'll feel dirty and horrible for the rest of the day. Too early to be talking directly to you. but if i tried (talking directly to you), will you live up (or down) to my expectations?

That depends, on how smoothly you come across...

If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"
