... Made without being forced by my mother. Made without being asked to do so by my mother. Made from the love in my heart. And the realisation that some day soon, I need to start learning even these basic things. I know it's not as perfect and not upto Asian standards but practice makes perfect eh? Some day i will join all you Chapatti masters out there!
Trust you to have put this up LOL
Well done! I think it's better than what my first try turned out as, lol
Now mine have started to become pretty good, though it still depends on the state of the atta
I get excited when they turn out round and then blow up perfectly into a baloon 
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yupp, biggest (cooking) achievement, ever!
JazakAllahu Khair. (Ssssh, I didn't make the atta? My mum did that for me because I was making something else at the time). And about the whole blowing/puffing up idea - why is that such a good thing? For some reason, my mum gets the chapatti that was made before and puts it ontop of the chapatti that's almost done. Why does she do that? I think i need to ask her why.
When it blows up it shows it's been cooked properly.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Have I ever mentioned how you will rarely see one of my sisters eating a chapatti? She claims that roti's are 'BURNT FLOUR' and don't consist of anything! This future mother in law of hers won't be very impressed. It's going to be a hell of a lot on my mums side to convince her to learn how to make one.
@Titanium - Wow, once learnt, never forgotten eh? Maybe you should make some more chapattis with a curry and invite all your friends or neighbours down. I think that's a nice idea.
Thank you for that. Thank you very much. I get it now lol. Which means that mine DID cook properly. My dad was brave enought to eat it and i felt like such a proud daughter!
Why not? Fine. Have an afternoon tea. Or is this entire idea of meeting people who live close to you not the kinda thing you want to do?
Well done Hummus. Now you can start your own parate business lol
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Thank you Sephy.
You can be the first I employ!