my birth mark is islam yet i am not a muslim at heart because i sin everyday of my life. I watch tv, listen to music, dress inappropiatly (top and jeans) and further more. i prey to allah subhanallah wa taalah to shower with imaan and guidence which will allow me to take the right path. However my faith always dislocates itself and i end up in the same position i started out;sinning constantly. i try my hadrest not to lose hope, believing that inshallah one day will come, when allah (swt) will give me hidayat and i will have the opportunity to redeem myself and walk the path of redemtion which will prepare me for the day of resurrection. having said that i too understand that it is my duty to fight of the evil that traps me; i have the free will and power to commit to islam undoubtfully, but every single time i make an attempt, i manage to relapse. i understand that it is a test from allah (swt), hence after each attempt i shud grow stronger within, to defeat the bad and evil that sorrounds me and curses my eternal life. i know deep down i must try harder with all my soul and heart and i must carry on trying until my last day on earth. Sometimes i feel i cant do it alone and i need some guidence a teacher that can can teach me all the ropes, educated me with all there is to know about islam but than i fear what if having known every thread of islam i do not commit islam. I truly and sincerely want to make a change in my life, right now i own up to the fact that i am a bad muslim, bad person and bad character. but i prey and beg to allah (swt) to help me in turning the corner and following the footsteps of our loving prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ameen
Guidance in walking the path of redemtion
Published by arifa on 21 July, 2011 - 12:42
I think maybe you're looking at 'Islam' as one big mountain that you'll never be able to climb. And using that as an excuse not to go up at least a little bit.
I don't blame you i was doing the same, many times. Shaitan tries to tell us that 'it's all or nothing'.
But that's not the case. None of us will ever, ever, EVER be perfect Muslims. And we're not supposed to be either.
Just doing small acts for the sake of Allah (swt) is a good start. And if you start walking towards Allah (swt) He has promised to run towards you!
Don't worry about the things you're doing wrong in your life. Well, DO worry about them, but don't kill yourself over them. And ESPECIALLY don't use them as an excuse not to do good things as well.
Don't wait for a bolt of lightening to hit you out the sky because, although that might happen, you might be waiting in the rain for ages.
Also, try to meet people who will encourage you to good and avoid the people who have been encouraging you to bad.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
jazakallah so much for your wise words. subsequently i am plagued with this trait 'all or nothing' which is my biggest obstacle in life that prevents me to move forward. I hope inshallah that i can pass this and associate myself with people who reinforce positiveness, good, sincerity and all the traits of a good person
Ya'qub said it all pretty much.
I would emphasise the point of keeping good friends as well. knowing that there is something that you should be changing and the willingness to do that is always a good place to start. Once you have that inshAllah you'll be fine. Best of luck with it
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
They've pretty covered it but i'd just like to point out that you have allready taken that first step towards Allah swt that so many find difficult. You've accepted that you're doing wrong and you feel guilty about it, now just make intention to repent. Allah' Swt mercy is open to whoever asks for it.
Remember good deeds erase bad deeds so do any act of good no matter how small you think it may be.
There was once this woman who had done bad all her life and she was a prostitute but one day she saw a thirsty dog and she gave it some water and for this act Allah swt granted her mercy nd entered her into Jannah.
Take one step towards Allah and He will take 10 steps towards you. We've all been in this situation before.
May Allah guide us all. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
may I add that Allah loves repentance and the one who repents. he knowws we will always sin, but what he looks for is the people who will ask for forgiveness.
Life is a ongoing and never ending struggle between doing what Allah wants or not. everything you do falls in either category.
Welcome to revival. please stay. we will try to support and inshaaAllah you will find the site a help. even for a little while. however crazy or weird we might be, there's one thing that brings us together, Islam. here is your little concentrated online islam thingy majit.
But nothing beats real life sisterhood. So if you can attend talks or circles do so, even if not for what they actually talk about, but for the atmosphere, inshaaAllah that'll help.
i think you need to start with learning more about Allah and the unity of Allah subhanahou wata'ala. i'll try and look for some links and articles you might want to read. I believe that if you know who you're worshipping and how great and awesome He is. the rest of Islam will become much easier. music, clothing etc...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
i thank u all truly for all ur wisdom may allah (swt) bless us all ameen
Don't feel overwhelmed by your sins and think it's too hard to get back on the straight path as the above verse says, Allah loves those who recognise their sins and repent for them and don't do them again. Allah swt is the most merciful and inshaAllah he will forgive yours and everyone elses sins
Also as Ya'qub said don't make it feel like you're climbing a mountain!
Take everything one at a time instead of fixing everything at once as you've won't succeed that way. And even when you're looking at one thing, take that slowly too, e because you won't be able to give anything up at once. This is the recommended way as Islam isn't supposed to be hard, and it recognises that people can't just do things at once. Even the Qur'an shows us this by, for example, banning alochol in stages as the Arabs loved to drink and it would've been very hard for them to just give it up all at once.
If you feel your jeans and tops aren't modest enough, make a slight change - wear some loose trousers and longer tops instead; you don't have to start wearing an abaya or anything! But if you feel you want to, then you can do that later, once you are used to more 'modest' clothing.
As for music - delete and get rid of all the music you have, stop going to place/hanginf around places where you know certain music is played. If you find yourself youtubing stuff try to look for stuff that has some decent lyrics or find alternatives like nasheeds. Or just find a new way of passing time?
(Although you can even climb a mountain if you put your mnind to it
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi