Answer by Shaykh Salim Ghiza:
In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and Merciful.
Pre-marital relationships (boy/girlfriends) are strictly Haram (forbidden) in Islam. For non permissible males to have a relationship with non permissible females is one of the major sins in today’s era.
Unfortunately we see this western influence spreading like an illness amongst the Muslim youth. As barriers of work and study have been relaxed by parents, as they would like to see their children prosper, it has brought its evils with it.
Whilst working or studying is commended and supported by Islam, the values of guarding one’s modesty and chastity are even more important.
Answer by Shaykh Salim Ghiza:
In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and Merciful.
Pre-marital relationships (boy/girlfriends) are strictly Haram (forbidden) in Islam. For non permissible males to have a relationship with non permissible females is one of the major sins in today’s era.
Unfortunately we see this western influence spreading like an illness amongst the Muslim youth. As barriers of work and study have been relaxed by parents, as they would like to see their children prosper, it has brought its evils with it.
Whilst working or studying is commended and supported by Islam, the values of guarding one’s modesty and chastity are even more important.
All men and women have a responsibility under the Shariah that they do not attract the other sex for whom it is unlawful to do so. The measures taken are clear and that all men and women must wear clothing, which are modest and loose.
It is as much haram for a man to wear tight clothing, which would expose the shape of his bodily contours, which are haram for him to show as it is for a woman.
The hijab is the head covering and the reason why this is emphasised for a woman is because her hair and head are also recognised as Awrah (parts which she must cover). As for the man the best way he can protect his modesty is to lower his gaze (as well as cover his body which would cause a sexual attraction).
Looking at the Opposite Sex
Allah says in the Holy Quran regarding lowering the gaze:
"Tell believers to lower their gaze, and tell the believing women to lower their gaze." (24:30,31)
Imam Al Quduri the great Hanafi Jurist states "It is not permissible for a man to look at a woman who is not his wife or un-marriageable relative except for her face and hands (because of the necessity of her need to deal with men in taking and giving and the like). If a man is not safe from lust, he may not look at her face except for when it is demanded by necessity. (Quduri)
The above tells us the strict ruling of looking at a woman never mind having a relationship with her.
The Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) has said that the eye that looks at a woman (non Mahram) or vice versa with intent of lust or a relationship is the eye that commits fornication (zina). In a lengthy Hadith he says
"The fornication of the two eyes is an evil glance. The fornication of the two ears is the obscene talk. The fornication of the tongue and hand is the touch and grasp. And the fornication of the two feet is the steps taken towards evil. The heart desires and longs and the private parts abide with or does contrary to it". (Mishkat ul Masabih, Abu Dawood)
Teenage Pregnancies
Teenage relationships start off as friendship and eventually can lead to fornication. This is why the Prophet of Allah said "When two people (illegally) are together alone then the third is shaitaan" (Bukhari).
We see in today’s day and age the consequences of such actions. Great Britain has the highest amount of teenage pregnancies in the whole of Europe. In 2002, 37,232 girls under the age of 16 became pregnant, this figure has risen every year since.
In 2003 the figure was 40828 and in 2004 the figure has reached a record level of 42400. Allah wants to protect the young male and female from such actions.
In fact the Prophet of Allah has said
"one of the seven people who will be under the protection of the shade of the throne of Allah on the day of judgment when there will be no shade will be the young man (or woman) who was approached by a respectable beautiful woman but he replied `I fear Allah`." (Bukhari)
What's So Bad About It?
Young Girls and boys must realise that fornication (sex outside marriage) is one of the worst sins for a Muslim. The Prophet of Allah has said "The greatest sin after polytheism (shirk) is the man who commits fornication with a woman who is not his legal wife" (Ibn Kathir, Mishkat).
In fact it is so serious that the greatest of gifts, which is Imaan (faith), is removed from the fornicator until the evil act is finished. The Prophet of Allah said "Faith comes out of a person whilst he commits fornication" (Mishkat).
It has also been stated in another hadith related by Imam Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood and Baihaqi that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said “When a servant in Allah engages in fornication, his faith leaves him, for it is like a piece of cloth covering his head (and is removed), and when he finishes his sin, his faith returns”.
Another point to take in to account is when young men and women look for a suitable partner, even if they were themselves involved in such acts, they will want a partner who was pious and had protected their chastity, hence, modesty and Haya (Shamefulness) is a part of Imaan as advised to us by our beloved Prophet. (Bukhari)
Mahram or non-Mahram?
Islam categorises and defines the relations from the opposite sex who are not allowed to be a marital partner and therefore are known as Mahram. All other types of relations or people are regarded as non Mahram hence marriage is allowable with them and therefore individual contact is not permissible unless it is open and necessary or the person is beyond marriageable age.
Mahram - people who you are not allowed to marry
(Extracted from Reliance of the Traveler) It is unlawful for one to marry one’s ancestors, descendents, parent’s descendents, or the first generation of one’s grandparent’s offspring, meaning one’s paternal or maternal aunts or uncles. One’s un-marriageable kin (mahram) are those one is forbidden to marry forever.
For a man:
- Mother
- Grandmothers (paternal or maternal) and on up
- Daughters
- Daughters of his children, children’s children and on down.
- Sisters
- Daughters of brothers or sisters, their children’s daughters, and on down
- Mother’s sisters, grandmothers sisters and on up
- Father’s sisters and father’s fathers sisters and on up
- Wife’s mother, Wife’s grandmother
- The wives of his father, father’s father and on up
- The wives of his children, children’s children and on down.
All the mentioned relatives are unlawful to be married. However, the first lot are due to blood relationships and hence it would be incest.
The last four are unlawful due to the fact of his marriage, i.e., wife’s mother (she was lawful but became unlawful when he married his wife) and this is what this means and will now remain unlawful for him even if he was to divorce his wife. The same applies with the other three.
Also, all of his wet nurse mother’s kin made un-marriageable to him due to being breast fed by his milk mother.
It is also unlawful for a man to marry both of these together (whilst being married to the other):
- A woman and her sister
- A woman and her father’s sister
- A woman and her mother’s sister
- He may marry the other if he was to divorce (or by death) the first partner.
For a woman:
- Father, grandfather and on up
- Son, son’s son, daughter’s son and on down
- Brother
- Father’s brother, meaning the brother of any male ancestor
- Mother’s brother, meaning the brother of any female ancestor
- Brother’s son, sister’s son, or any other descendant of brothers or sisters
- The husband of her mother, grandmother and on up
- The husband of her daughter or other female descendant
- Her husband’s father, grandfather and on up, and the husband’s son and descendant’s
Also, all of her wet nurse mother’s kin made un-marriageable to him her to being breast fed by her milk mother.
To conclude: Mixing freely with the opposite sex (non-mahram) without necessity is not allowed in Islam. Having a boy/girlfriend is totally haram. We need to understand what relationships are allowed and what are not.
We ask Allah to protect us and help us guard our Chastity.
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and Im dooing WAY MORE, im trying to be positive and have fun and repect what God wants, BUT ...
whats the point this disscution will never end...
forget it im gonna pray everthing i can, and if im at somewhere and cant I will delay them.
AND THIS IS MY LAST MESSAGE... replying will be pointlss because i wont respond
The main thing is to keep trying.
it is God's role to judge, and He (swt) will judge you fairly.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
dont go dude, dont go off sulking (like an emo) stick around and look around at the site, you might learn new stuff. you WILL learn new stuff InshaaAllah, but you might actually enjoy it here and you never know, even have FUN! (shock horror!)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I am trying.
first steps! yay!
you could create an account for yourself, with a nice username and all.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
cool
I read this :
Allah Almighty forgives pretty much all sins except idol worshiping and trinity beliefs; "Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed.
so, if I delay a prayer, not too much, its a sin but he forives it!!!!!! woow Allah is really forgiving and nice.
so, my friends, I will have fun and pray, and pray the ones that I can, while always ALWAYS REMEMBERING Allah :).
Saying that God can forgive is not the same as God will forgive.
We do not know if our sins will be forgiven or not - that is not something we can guarantee, just something we can hope for.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Oh, I get it, but as he Can forgive... can you pray the prayers that you missed because of the amument park later? he will forgive you... and if you hope I Think he will then...
and I think, there is a solution: I delay my prayer BUT pray the double is is better or no credits at all?
Look! Being a muslim doesn't mean just praying at home, Islam isn't just a religion full of rituals. Islam is your way of life, everything you do and don't do has to be for the sake of Allah. Being a muslim means you obey the rules of shariah(Allah's laws).
This life, the reason we are here is to please Allah, we are His slaves and this life is but a short journey for us. The real life, the ultimate goal is the hereafter. The hereafter is eternal and if you please Allah you can have a life where you have fun forever and ever and you'll never get tired.
How do you expect to go to heaven without working for it, you seem to want to have all the fun in this world and live a life of ease and then just expect to heaven to come to you? You've got make sacrifices to ptove to Allah how much you love Him and how much you want to go to heaven. It's been said that "this life is a prison for the believer and heaven for the disbelievers" so choose where you want your paradise to be.
Not saying you can't have any fun in this life but whatever you do in this life, if you're a muslim has to be for the sake of Allah. Like right now i'm hungry and i'm gonna eat
how do i make the intention to please Allah while i'm eating? Well firstly i make sure it's halal, make sure i don't over eat and ofcourse begin with 'bismillah'
The same way if you wanna enjoy yourself and relax, do it between salat times and do something that doesn't displease Allah.
Also you're right about Allah being forgiving and merciful but He will only grant you that mercy if you are deserving of it. You don't go around doing something that WILL displease Allah and just think He'll forgive you. The way to ask for forgiveness is to make a firm intention to never commit that sin again otherwise it wouldn't count as asking for forgiveness.
At the end of the day all of us here are brothers and sisters in Islam and we're just trying to help you cause we love you for the sake of Allah. Nobody here is perfect but insha Allah we strive for perfection. May Allah guide us all. Ameen
Time to eat
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Woah that's alot of writing. Sorry!
I'm worse than Lilly :/
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Is it written in the coran to do ALL THE PRAYERS without missing a single one?
does it say that it has to be hard?
I dont think Allah would make life so hard... why would he?
Scrifices? Im stopping my guitar playing for prayer Im doind 10 rakaat becasue of school, and in my job I will ask for the manager to take a 5 minutes to pray, and if you CAN you have to pray, Allah dosent want any bad for us so why will he create all this fun stuff and not let us use it?
Islam: the religion of peace... why would we do such BIG sicrifices, ? when you want to have a peacful life?
What prooves that you are right and not the sheik I asked?
It has to be written in the coran.
And whats the point of living if you dont accomplish something? Will I practise more guitar then pray ?NO when I can I will, you cant just miss a concert or find a place to pray if its to loud or unclean... my school is dirty every one steps with there shoes, in Canada, you might not know, but peaple are savages, they spit every were, in an amusment park you cant find a place to pray...
I do what God wants, and as he want us to ahve a peacful life without any struggle why would he obligate us to do sacrifices? I have swimming practise I come back VERY tired, but still pray... But I cant always always find a place to pray, The thing you are telling me is that prayer is for your own good, well its remembering Allah, I always remmeber him, its not the prayer... its the soul you have, the good or the bad in you, if you say oh I wish I could pray but I cant... God will forgive... He is the most forgiving, but if you say ''Oh i dont have time'' now that is bad, and what I do is the good.
Thank you.
its okay, WRITE 100 200, or 1000 words, as long as its clear
If you are looking for absolution, we cannot give you that.
will and can are not the same thing.
you might be forgiven, or you might not be. If that same missed prayer makes you end up in hell, I am sure you will think that day at the amusement park to not have been worth it.
and no, we cannot go about our lives ignoring Islam in the hope that "aah, God will forgive me", because while God is forgiving, He (swt) is also just. Also if you forget these reminders to God, you are likely to forget other stuff too, and it will impact on how good a person you are.
So no, we are not offering you absolution, nor are we saying that making up the prayers later is ok - I have heard someone mention that the punishment of delaying a prayer to outside its time (note: not missing,but delaying) is tens of thousands of years in hell.
So it is not a matter you can take lightly.
If you miss/delay your prayers, that is your choice, but we cant provide you cover for it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You dont want clarity, you want absolution.
Clarity is "you cant miss prayers, missing them is a sin that can land you in hellfire" and we reached that point probably the first post after you posted.
Now we are maybe a hundred or so more posts into discussion and you want "clarity".
I see your call for clarity to be wanting absolution, we cannot absolve you of any sins, we cannot and should not say that wrong is right. Those things are not in our power.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I thought you wanted clarity?
You just want us to absolve you of any ... moral responsibility.
We cannot do that for you.
You are responsible for your actions and God will judge you how He (swt) so wills, and that is outside of our control.
All we can do is give you advice, which is to pray, to follow the rules of Islam.
If you find that hard or make that hard for yourself, that is not something we can help you with.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
and who knows if you are right or I am?
I dont understand, and yes, I do know that you cant give me absolution... but
what if, someone never prayed EVER, but he didnt know that he is obligated...
is it a sin.
They say: Hell is a place reserved for the atheists... well im not Atheist... you cant be sure if God wants you to pray everything. so loose this life my praying?
not losing but missing the fun, and ''ten of thousands of years in hell'' isnt harch? you will say " I cant respond to that'' I know I understand, but all the muslims, today, if they go to an amusement park, they delay the prayer, WHAT IS QAADAA THEN????????
That doesnt apply since you DO know that you must pray.
and yes, it is mentioned in the qur'an that prayers have been mandated for us at their allotted times.
Qadaa is for when you ACCIDENTALLY miss prayer.
Doesn't make it right. A wrong action is a wrong action. We all do wrong actions, some more often than others, but we can never accept that the wrong action is right. At an absolute minimum we must accept that it is wrong and sinful.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I have a question for you:
Do you love your family?
Allah does not want u to miss the obligatory prayers then do double. That will not make Him happy.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
okay, look
Im at a amusment park and everywhere is dirty, nowhere to pray, what do I do? pray even if its dirty or delay?
Take a prayer mat with u and find a space to pray in
Why are u so hooked up on this amusement park situation, how often would u go to there. First make sure u fix ur 5 a day prayers on an everyday basis
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
well, even if the ground is dirty I bring a mat with me???????
And im so hookced up becasue amusement park are really fun for me. I dont go that often maybe every week ONLY in summer... so not too much
and I feel bad about a thing: I didnt kow that I HAD to pray when i was 13, i started about 1 week ago, and the prayers I missed should i do them? its too mcuh and I didnt know! so its okay or no???????
and somebody said: ''life is a prison for the beileiver'' well not really... i could ahve fun and pray... so its not a prison.
Ground is ground. it is perfectly find to pray on it unless it is covered in feces.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
oh, okay
well, I have a question
what if my brother or sister dont pray, and delay them
i know its their fault but still!!!!! i dont wanna saty in heaven forever just thinking about them...
you can advise them and maybe after some time they will listen.
but ultimately, they make their own place.
Throwing your good deeds down the pan out of "loyalty" is just stupid - you wont be "together" in hell, but separated and suffering, when you didnt need to and could have potentially also helped them to avoid it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
what if I tried to convice them and they never listened???
I dont wanna suffer by missing them ... in heaven
They are the architects of their own fate.
You the architect of your own.
If you stupidly choose hell out of loyalty to them, you will achieve it. but you won't thank yourself for your decision to do so, neither will they even know that you did.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
okay then,
one thing, ou what is intention?
when your intention is good Alllah will forgive yuo because he KNOWS that you remember him, you said: prayer is for your own good, to remember him... i will i will I WIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL every single time but imagine your at a concert theres nooooo place??? forget that cocnert ?????????WHY!!!!!!!!!!WHY??????????????????????????????
im super sad, to know that you have to do the prayers and forget your desires, BUT GOD MADE THEM AND HE IS THE ONE THAT WNATS US TO AHVE FUN AND NEVER DO BAD STUFF NOT PRAYING FOR PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!
why does it have to be suffer suffer and heaven? why not fun AND praying and heaven, HELL SHOULF BE FOR BAD PEAPLE WHO DONT CARE OR THINK ABOUT ALLAH i doooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and youll never concice me beacuse your a human THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN is Allah and his messenger (swt),
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If there is no place for you to pray at a concert then, yes you forget that concert. Why? Because you value Allah(swt) a whole lot more. You are willing to sacrifice something that you love for the sake of Allah(swt) because you love HIM and this is your way of showing it. You know that giving up this small thing will earn you something a lot better in the next life: paradise!
You said you love your siblings right? This love isn't just limited to just an 'ok, I love my siblings and thats it'! You SHOWED your love for them when you said that you wanted them to start praying. How about when this love is for Allah then? You show it by praying and everything else that you need to do as a muslim.
Are you sad to know that potential desires you might have could lead you to hell? It is a tool of Shaytaan to arouse desires in us. To make them so strong that we think we cant do anything but give in, but you CAN fight them. One way is through prayer!
But im confused as to what you actually want :/
and true only Allah can guide people and I pray He guides you! Ameen!
EDIT: and you CAN pray at amusement parks. Ive done so myself, so it isnt impossible. If you only go to them in the summer then why don't you go after you've prayed Duhr? There's a long time between Duhr and Asr prayer in the summer. How many hours do you normally spend there anyway?
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"