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Everything you need to make this the best Ramadan EVER!

[SIZE=4][B]Everything you need to make this the best Ramadan EVER![/B][/SIZE]
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]The following are all the resource's you need to make this the best and most productive Ramadan ever:[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#FF0000][B]Maximising worship during Ramadan:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[B]10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan[/B]

[B]12 Ways to Maximize Everyday in Ramadan [/B]

Quran Reading® – Full al Quran with Audio Recitation

Quran Reading is a Smartphone application helping Muslims to easily learn Quran from every respect. It comes up with remarkable aspects of Translation, Transliteration and Audio Recital ensuring complete learning. Download this free and comprehensible application of Quran Reading to learn about the instructions of the Holy Quran in the most preferred way.

Western liberals fear destruction of history while ignoring human lives in Syria


Isis reaches gates of ancient Syrian city Palmyra, stoking fears of destruction

Islamic State group fighters have advanced to the gates of ancient Palmyra on Thursday, raising fears the Syrian world heritage site could face destruction of the kind the jihadis have already wreaked in Iraq.

Isis fighters were battling Syrian troops less than two kilometres (barely a mile) from the remains of one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world, Syria’s director of antiquities said.

The comments following the story are extra fun.

Theresa May’s Humiliating Radio 4 Interview on ‘Extremism’


Above is an embarrassing interview Theresa May gave this morning on BBC Radio 4, about Prime Minister David Cameron’s new measures to counter what he calls “Extremism”, by giving more powers to the state to restrict the movement and speech of those who express opinions that are legal yet considered ‘radical’.

Theresa becomes visibly disturbed and discomforted when the interviewer, John Humphrys, poses the most elementary challenge: what does she mean by ‘extremists’?

'Star Wars' or ISIS: Which is more Islamic?

On Monday, the UK government formally announced that "Star Wars, Episode VIII," would begin shooting at Pinewood Studios.

Being May 4th, it was "Star Wars Day." But May 4th, 2015, was also the 15th of Rajab, 1436 -- and Rajab is one of the most noted months in the Islamic calendar, with the middle of the month being a particularly auspicious occasion.

Read more @

Ed Miliband answers question on too many Muslims being killed throughout the world

At an event in Dewsbury today Ed Miliband was asked about the number of Muslims being killed accross the world.

Q: There are too many Muslims dying across the world. When will we realise we are creating more terrorists than we are getting rid of?

There’s three separate issues, Miliband says. First is Islamophobia and just like anti-semitism and other forms of prejudice we should be strong against Islamophobia.

Secondly, we must learn the lessons of the past, such as the Iraq war.
