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He walks on water!
A Jinn?
FREE: Tayyibun Charity Iftar Gathering (BIRMINGHAM, Rex Centre, 28/07/12) RESERVE NOW!
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,
Tayyibun Institute invites you and your family this Ramadhaan to join us for:
[SIZE=18]Tayyibun Annual Charity Iftar Gathering [/SIZE]
[B]Ramadhaan 1433 / 2012[/B]
FREE: Tayyibun Charity Iftar Gathering (LONDON, Water Lily, 29/07/12) RESERVE NOW!
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,
Tayyibun Institute invites you and your family this Ramadhaan to join us for:[/I]
[SIZE=18][B]Tayyibun Annual Charity Iftar Gathering [/B][/SIZE]
[B]Ramadhaan 1433 / 2012[/B]
FREE: Tayyibun Charity Iftar Gathering for INTERPAL, (Water Lily, 11/08/12) RESERVE NOW!
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,[I]
Tayyibun Institute invites you and your family this Ramadhaan to join us for:[/I]
[SIZE=18]Tayyibun Annual Charity Iftar Gathering[/SIZE]
Ramadhaan 1433 / 2012
akhwanee in the mosjid dont benefit me...
akhwanee in the mosjid dont benefit me...
most brothers in the mosque dont have time to talk and the ones that do either give me missinformation or bidah.
i find better discussions and advice in coffee shops.
i heard of a hadith that stated one person asked Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) if something was truth and he replied yes. after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked if the person knew who had said that truth to which the person replied no. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) then said that truth had been told by iblis.
the point is to take truth from anywhere i think. if it is truth, hak it matters not where it comes from.
i wish i could learn more of the brothers in the mosque...
The Revival is a Muslim social magazine that deals with the real issues facing
Muslims today-especially the youth.
The Revival Magazine Issue 19 will be out in Ramadan inshallah. To reach out to
more readers nationwide we are in need of new distributors.
See previous issues at
Yasser Arafat Murdered by pollonium poisoning?
Big news doing the rounds recently.
Yasser arafat died in hospital in 2004 and some thought the circumstances were suspicious.
However nothing was proven.
However new tests of his clothing at the time have shown trace amounts of pollonium.
Pollonium most famously being used to murder Alexander Litvinenko two years later where it was fingered.
Now some people want to exhume his body in order to carry out further tests.
What is the point of fasting?
In school I was taught that the main reason for fasting was to empathise with the plight of the poor
In college I was told that that was a very very small part of it.
So whats the real point of it, and how do we make the most of it? What does the not eating and drinking part of it teach us?
Does anyone know of any good (philosophical) books on this topic?