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'bad' thoughts.

Noor sent me something really good concerning this when i asked about whether or not i was a sin to just THINK 'dirty' Or 'bad' thoughts :

"What to do when a bad thought occurs to you
Whenever a bad thought occurs to you:

a) seek Allah’s forgiveness [saying, Astaghfirullah (‘I seek Allah’s forgiveness’)];

b) seek protection from the Shaytan [saying, A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ar-rajeem (‘I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed shaytan’)]

c) cut out the things that result in that bad thought immediately [e.g. shut the window with such images]

d) then thank Allah, wholeheartedly, for enabling you to overcome your desires and shaytan [saying, Alhamdulillah (‘All praise is due to Allah’)]; this makes Shaytan despair, and strengthens one’s resolve.

Weird rumours you've come across...

I think the title is pretty much self explanatory Smile

I'll start it off

I've read lots of scary Jinn rumours on the internet

and my RS teacher told us one...

He said that apparently there was once this jinn living in this woman's bath and the woman went into the bath without asking the Jinn's Permission and so the jinn killed her.


and did anyone hear (a few years ago I think) about that Wolf man that eventually turned out to be an insane asylum escapee?
