Forum Topics

Why do donors tick the opt-out box for eyes?

Of the hundreds of thousands of organ donors who may have had their wishes wrongly recorded, many chose not to donate their eyes. Why are some people so reluctant to give them up in death?

While many of Britain's 17 million registered body part donors give consent for all their organs and tissues to be used for transplant after their death, more than 10% have chosen to with-hold consent for certain parts - by far the most common being eyes.

Historically, they have held cultural and spiritual significance. Referred to as "windows to the soul" by Roman philosopher Cicero, the eye is also often regarded as symbolising knowledge. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the third eye is a symbol of enlightenment.

The SBF topic: Lists, List, Lis, Li, L, ........

I'm bored.

I have a MASSIVE HUGE list of things to do.

You will be glad to know the final thing on the list says Sleep.


Anyway...I made a forum topic..because...

So..I'm going to start the first thing on my list. There are 6 things to do.

I can't afford to get distracted. (The fact that I googled and found a picture to add to this topic doesn't count.)

So here goes.

Craziness and its treatment

When people go crazy, there are two reasons:

1) They have a mental health problem.
2) They have been possessed.


- Is Exorcism an Islamic practice? Or is it a cultural thing?
- If it is, where does it differentiate between what is a medical problem and what is possession?
- Are we okay to disbelieve in the idea of someone being possessed?

I'm reading about Mental Disorders in the past...and they talk about it being a Christian ritual, a Hindu and Buddhism thing..etc...but why is Islam not included?

Question Time! (re: Prophet Isa (as))

I think it is Islam Awareness Week, this week. Wohoo!

So it has been well advertised around Uni and so forth.

There are a list of lectures and other talks that will be delivered everyday of the week.

My friend who is a Christian, out of nowhere grabbed my shoulders last week and after a very enthusiastic hello said:

'How on earth is Jesus a Muslim?'
Me: Well...
Her: He can't be. He himself said he was Jewish.
Me: He did?
Her: Yes.
Me: should come along to the lecture and find out why he's really a Muslim.
Her: You're useless.
Me: I know.

And then we sat down...and then I got a text saying:

'So because Mother Teresa completely devoted herself to God, does that mean she is a Muslim too?'

Career or Friends here it is.

It comes to choose your GCSEs or A levels or whatever qualification that you are doing.

And who looked at what their friends were doing before they made a concrete decision?

I don't usually..or never had a problem with things like that. I've always known what Iv wanted to do..knew what subjects to do. So something like that has never been a problem for me.

But I still have time to make lots of opportunities and choices.

And for some reason the career vs friends is starting to become something Im thinking about. head vs gut instincts.

What are your thoughts on making decisions and choices related academically or work?

Thalidomide survivors to get £20m

The government has awarded £20m of funding for people disabled after their mothers took the drug thalidomide.

An apology will also be made in Parliament in the New Year.

Campaigners have long battled for additional support for the 466 UK survivors disabled by drug, prescribed from 1958-61 for morning sickness.

The money will be dispensed through a three-year pilot scheme by the Thalidomide Trust - and if successful the deal could be extended.

A bit more info on the Thalidomide drug

- Developed in Germany in the 1950s

- Prescribed as a 'wonder drug' for insomnia, coughs colds and headaches. Also given to pregnant women to relieve the symptoms of morning sickness
