Forum Topics

An Eye Opening Seminar!

[b]Have you ever wondered why inspite of knowing the good deeds we fail to practice them or find it hard to carry them out?

have you ever wondered why some people are successful in doing good deeds and why others are not?

why is it that we find it hard to obey Allah (Swt) and find it easy to please Satan by commiting sins?

if you would like to know the answers to the following questions then why not come to this free [color=Red]EYE OPENING SEMINAR [/color] which will be done with special slide show presentation InshaAllah!

Early Scolors On Sufism! Facts which might shock somepeople

[b]Enjoy [/b]

[b]Early Scholars on Sufism [/b]
The following quotations of the scholars of Shariah regarding the precedence of the knowledge and science of Tasawwuf (Purification of the Self).

[b]Imam Abu Hanifa (85 H. - 150 H) [/b]
"If it were not for two years, I would have perished." He said, "for two years I accompanied Sayyidina Ja'far as-Sadiq and I acquired the spiritual knowledge that made me a gnostic in the Way."
[Ad-Durr al-Mukhtar, vol 1. p. 43]

[b]Imam Malik (95 H.

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We hope you will join our growing community. Muslims & Non-Muslims are welcome & your Participation is eagerly awaited.[/size][/color]
