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FREE Tayyibun Courses, Halaqahs, & Circles!

Islamic Circles, Gatherings, & Halaqahs[/B]


Fully segregated.
All circles, gatherings, and halaqahs are free and open to all.
The above will start from the week beginning 12th of May 2008.

[B]ISLAMIC MANNERS & ETIQUETTES (Every Tuesday 11am- 1pm)[/B]
A weekly circle covering the famous poem on the manners and etiquettes called Manthumah al Aadaab by Ibn Abdil Qawiyy al Mardaawi with its commentary by Imam as-Safaareeni (1188h) entitled Ghidhaa' al Albaab- Sharh Manthumah al Aadaab.
This circle will be conducted by Ustadh Dr. Khalid Khan

[B]GENERAL WEEKLY HALAQAH (Every Sunday 12.15- 2.15)[/B]
