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Ramadhan 2008 timetable is now online!
Assalam alaikum,
The Ramadhan timetable is now available on our website:
...seeking the path to paradise?
TSMY Alert: Qari Yasir Abdul Basit Al-Samad in Oldham this Sunday @ 4pm
Assalam alaikum,
I would just like to inform my dear brother and sisters, that Qari Yasir Abdul Basit Al-Samad, Son of the renowned Qari Adul Basit Al-Samad, will be reciting the glorious Quran at Nagina Masjid in Oldham, Insha Allah this Sunday at 4pm.
We do have separate facilities for sisters. Sisters are very welcome.
Please come along and take this opportunity to wake up your heart by listening to one of the great reciters of our time. Insha Allah, his voice will remain in your heart for a long time.
The full address for the masjid is:
Nagina Jamia Masjid, 74 Werneth Hall Road, Coppice, Oldham, OL8 4BB
Mohammed Zahid, TSMY
TSMY Event: Journey To The Heavens And Beyond :: Sat 26 Jul 08 :: Oldham
Myanmar Cyclone
Assalam alaikum,
Cyclone Nargis which hit Myanmar (Burma) on Saturday May 3 2008 was quickly labelled the worst storm to hit Asia in 25 years. To date thousands of people are confirmed dead and many more are missing.
Thousands have been left homeless and are in urgent need of shelter, food and water.
Please donate kindly through your preferred charities.
Charities that have launched appeals for Burma:
Kind regards
coming soon
Dhikr Gathering & English Talk :: Thurs 14 Feb :: Oldham
Remembering Imam Hussain And The Martyrs Of Karbala
[b]Remembering Imam Hussain And The Martyrs Of Karbala[/b]
Special Talk and Jumma Khutba:
His Eminence Barrister Faiz-ul-Aktab Siddiqui (Principal Hijaz University, UK)
On Friday 18th January 2008, 12 noon
At Nagina Jamia Masjid, 74 Werneth Hall Road, Coppice, Oldham
Separate facilities for sisters | Food will be served.
____________________________________________ - innovative solutions for the youth
Qibla locator...excellent for travellers!
Sincere apologies if this has already been posted on here...