Forum Topics

DM Islam and "The Message"

I have breifly watched DM Islam of late, and noticed that DM ISlam is holding a "Phone-in" vote as to whether the film "The Message" should be shown or not. Many sunni muslims oppose the showing of the film while many adherents of the shia creed vote in favour.

The reasoning as to why some sunni muslims opopose the film is because they say that the film insults some sahaba, especially Amir Muawiyah (RAH). Whereas the shia negate this.

Anyhow, who has seen the film? and who reckons the film should be shown or not shown from this forum? Simple Yes/No................NO Shia/Sunni bashing.


I would have searched this forum to verify whether this topic has been rasied before or not, but i will not search each page for hours for that purpose !!!


How many males sport a ful beard ?

How many females would ever wear a Niqab or already do ?

I always sense that much more onus is put on women to conform to wearing hijab/niqab and general rules of islam than muslim males in general.....Agree?

Or is this cultural ?

If the answer to the above questions is "No" then why is that?
Fear, Shyness, Weakness, or religious understanding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have to raise my hand unfortunately that I listen to music! [size=7](especially that Apache indian song - Surma)[/size]

However, I have heard that some scholars have varying fatwas on the legal status of music in islam?

Anyone on this forum aware of what these fatwas are and from who?

[b]Please use the existing thread on this topic: [url=
Thread Locked.
- The Moderate Mod[/b]

Racism - Paki?

If someone refers to a person originating from the sub-continent as "PAKI".....then how many on the forum would regard this as racist?

The reason I raised this topic is because of a thread which "Admin" started about "Those crazy Japs".......about some mad sofa!!!....I presume "Admin" means Japanese !!!!!!!!

My opinion about sub-continent people is that some are probably more racist than some white right wingers......Especially when stereotyping black people (more so Jamaicans).....I have heard jamaican peple sadly refered to as "Jameecay".....or "sona (gold) banga haar chapa (gold items

Imam Mahdi

The other day I watched a programme/speech of Sheikh ul Islam Tahir ul Qadri about the appearance of Imam Mahdi.

I reckon the speech was made in probably 2004/2005, nevertheless a very interesting and reassuring speech indeed.....!!!

What Sheikh ul Islam Tahir ul Qadri said was that the appearance of Imam Mahdi according to deductions from ahadith and various scholarly opinions was most probably to occur somewhere around year 2204 hijri.........which is around 800 years from now !!!!!!

However, I have heard that many other reputable ulema have stated that Imam Mahdi will appear very s



Much due to my ignorance, what excatly is happenning in Darfur.....I have heard that muslims seem to be fighting true is that? If so, is the fighting sectarian?
