
Which statement best sums up your feelings about friendship?

Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet, give a little love and it all comes back to you.
21% (51 votes)
I only fully give my all to my Muslim brothers/sisters; while I am polite to others, I wouldn't take them as a close ally.
20% (49 votes)
I mainly have non-Muslim friends, and find some Muslims can be a bit judgmental and don't seem to wanna have fun.
7% (17 votes)
My cats are my only friends.
7% (17 votes)
My most genuine human interactions are with people over the internet.
4% (10 votes)
I find it hard making friends but when people give me the time I reward them with everything I can.
12% (28 votes)
I find it hard keeping track with the people contacting me saying that they know me, I should really do a 'friend cull'
2% (4 votes)
Friends are just a reflection of all the different aspects of my personality, whether they are good or bad
27% (65 votes)
Total votes: 241

Affectionate cat distracts policeman

A police department in Texas in the US has released footage of an over-affectionate cat distracting a policeman trying to issue a ticket to a motorist.

The video, filmed by a camera in officer Keith Urban's patrol car, shows the cat crawling up his leg and then onto his head.

Captain Don Georgens from Taylor Police Department said the footage 'helped with our humour around the station'.

Watch video @ BBC News