Hajj package

Hajj packages booking facilities form the U.K

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. We are offering you the best deal of Hajj Package 2019. We know every Muslim who lived in the U.K want to fulfill their dreams. They want to perform Hajj now. Kaaba is the place of Allah and every person want to perform Hajj once in life. The persons who want to fulfill their desires just visit the Al-Hijaz Tours and book the Hajj packages 2019. That is compulsory for the Muslims to perform Hajj if he is able to perform Hajj physically and financially.  We are arranging the amazing tours for the pilgrims.  We have the best price for you it’s doesn’t matter from which city you belonged in the U.K.

For the citizens of U.K the best 5-star Hajj Package 2019

Al-Hijaz Tours trying to make easier the journey of Holy Places for the pilgrims of 2019. We just want to assure you the best journey with our package. We are well aware of the facilities and know how to handle the Holy Journey for the customers. We have the valuable Hajj package and can’t compromise the stander of quality. We have 5-star Accommodations for you in Makah and Medina and facilities of transport in Holy cities for your comfort. If you need help for the guidance in the Holy cities, local guider will help you with this search of a best and better way. If you feel you have stuck anywhere, just in contact with guider, he will help you in a better way. 

Best Hajj Packages 2019 for the U.K Citizens

Hajj is an Islamic responsibility that is performed by Muslims from all over the world. Hajj is just one time in a year, but Umrah can be performed anytime in the year. In Islam, it is announced that if anyone has sufficient money to perform Hajj, should spend and execute this religious ceremonial at least once in life. Hajj gives beneficial food for a Muslim’s soul.

low cost Umrah Packages

Low Cost Umrah Packages

Road to Makkah is one of the top and eminent Hajj and Umrah travel agency. We offer different kinds of 5 Star Hajj Packages and 5 Star Umrah Packages at reasonable and affordable rates. We are here to guide you throughout your all important and prestigious journey and friendly staff faces all the hurdles to let come out of any problem throughout the holy tour of Makkah and Madina. Main objective of offering low cost Umrah Packages is to provide ultimate flexibility and support to our pilgrims so everyone can perform Umrah and get the blessings of Allah.

Ramadan Umrah Packages 2018

Ramadan Umrah Packages 2018

Select the Ramadan Umrah Packages and fulfill the holy dream

Umrah is a dream and responsibility of every Muslim who can travel. Plenty of Muslims travel to Makkah and Madina in order to perform Umrah and get the blessings of Allah. As there is a strong desire of every Muslim to perform Umrah, we offer the best, improved, lucrative and Ramadan Umrah packages for the Muslims residing in UK. Umrah can be performed throughout the year except the Hajj days while Hajj is the largest gathering of Muslims which can only be performed once in a year according to Islamic calendar.

Hajj – A Religious Obligation Of Great Prospects For Muslims

For Muslims, true success lies in submitting themselves wholly to the wish and will of The Mightiest, living their lives as a means to appease Allah Almighty, following all the obligations of their religion. The religion for a true Muslim remains insignificant without observing five aspects, referred commonly as “Five Pillars of Islam”.They include

* Testimony of faith

* Prayers (Salath)

* Fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm)

* The Pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj)

* Giving charity (Zakat)

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