
Benefit claimants who break the law could be stripped of up to five times as much state cash per week in fines

Benefit claimants who break the law could be stripped of up to five times as much state cash per week in fines

Those who fail to pay a fine after they have been convicted of a crime could lose up to £25 per week instead of the present £5 maximum.

A £25 penalty would represent about 37% of the present rate of jobseeker's allowance

With the summer riots still fresh in the nation's memory, the Prime Minister said the plans will show offenders they cannot get away with paying "the bare minimum".

Assisted Suicide Interim Policy

The director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer QC in september of 2009 issued guidelines in regards assisted suicide and when people can be prosecuted when they have played a part in this.

A numebr of cases have been brought foward such as Pretty v United Kingdom and R (on the application of Purdy) v Director of Public Prosecutions.

Guidelines can be found here

What are your views on this topic?

Should it just be seen as a form of homicide fullstop?

even though the person has given consent ....

or should symphathy be shown in certain cases?

How would you punish someone for letting a 3 year old smoke?

Send him to the gallows
15% (9 votes)
A long prison sentence
30% (18 votes)
A good battering - let the bones crack
17% (10 votes)
18 months in prison I say
15% (9 votes)
Criminal record only
8% (5 votes)
It was an honest mistake, guv
3% (2 votes)
awww a 3 yr old smoking? how cute!
12% (7 votes)
Total votes: 60