
Eating dogs? Really?!

It seems that some Syrian clerics have issued a Fatwa allowing people living in besieged suburbs of Damascus to eat meat that is normally forbidden. So now, they may eat cats, dogs and donkeys to starve off hunger.

It's so heartbreaking to hear and shakes my insides to know that this is what is happening to our brothers and sisters half way across the world. The clerics add, that if the situation continues to deteriorate, the living would have to eat the dead.

Ya Allah, help these people, ease their suffering and make them amongst those who enter Jannah. O Allah they are in urgent need of Your Mercies, so send upon them Your Mercies, O Most Merciful. Ameen, thumma Ameen.

I ask you to make a special prayer for Syria tonight. A sincere dua. 


Iain Duncan Smith thinks he can live on £53 a week.

So Mr Iain Duncan Smith has stated on Radio that he can survive on £53 a week. I think he should try it. For a prolonged period of time.

While having to live a week or two or a short period of time on such a figure is doable, especially if you have help and support from family and friends, if it is long term or if you are the breadwinner, it is nothing short of a disaster.

For a responsible person paying their way, living on £53 a week is not enough to live a dignified life.

I'd like him to try living on that amoung without handouts and charity for a meaningful amount of time so that he can see the codswallop that he talks for what it is.

The Tummy Beast

This is what I often think about when I'm hungry. Smile

The Tummy Beast

Roald Dahl

One afternoon I said to mummy,
"Who is this person in my tummy?
"He must be small and very thin
"Or how could he have gotten in?"
My mother said from where she sat,
"It isn't nice to talk like that."
"It's true!" I cried. "I swear it, mummy!
"There is a person in my tummy!
"He talks to me at night in bed,
"He's always asking to be fed,
"Throughout the day, he screams at me,
"Demanding sugar buns for tea.
"He tells me it is not a sin
"To go and raid the biscuit tin.
"I know quite well it's awfully wrong
"To guzzle food the whole day long,
"But really I can't help it, mummy,
"Not with this person in my tummy."
"You horrid child!" my mother cried.