
Dubai jails pair for making plans to fornicate

This is an especially strange one considering that there is no punishment for actions that did not happen...

Dubai jails Indian pair for 'sexy texts'

Steamy text messages have resulted in a three-month jail sentence for an Indian man and an Indian woman in Dubai.

Judges ruled that they had planned to "commit sin", a reference to an extramarital affair - which is illegal in the United Arab Emirates.

The unnamed pair, aged 47 and 42, were working as cabin crew for Dubai's Emirates airline.

Their "sexy texts" first surfaced last year, in a divorce lawsuit by the woman's estranged husband.

Leeds-based Catholic charity wins gay adoption ruling

A Catholic adoption society has won a High Court battle over laws forcing it to consider gay couples as parents.

Leeds-based Catholic Care had warned it would be forced to give up its work finding homes for children if it had to comply with the legislation.

Its plea to be allowed an exemption was opposed by the Charity Commission.

However, Mr Justice Briggs has allowed Catholic Care's appeal and ordered the commission to reconsider the case in the light of his judgement.

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South Asian 'slave brides' causing concern in UK

Hundreds of women who came to the UK from South Asia to marry say they have been treated as domestic slaves by their in-laws, the BBC has learned.

More than 500 who applied for residence in 2008-09 after their marriages broke down were deported because they could not prove any abuse had taken place.

Police and charities are concerned the incidents are not reported because of family pressure and fear of reprisals.

The UK Border Agency said measures were in place to try to prevent such abuse.

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Taliban kill [more] Muslims, say it is warning to America.

Nice going morons.

Taliban spokesman Yousuf Ahmadi said "This was to sabotage the operation and to show we can strike anywhere, any time we want."

I think he just forgot that Islam forbids such things like indiscriminate mass murder. Oops.

Kandahar blasts were warning to US and Nato - Taliban

Saturday's bomb attacks in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar were a warning to US and Nato forces, the Taliban say.

A Taliban spokesman said the attacks were in response to a planned major offensive by international forces against militants in the region.

At least 35 people were killed and some 57 injured in the blasts in Kandahar, Afghanistan's third largest city.

Brown: "Politically motivated" arest warrants for war criminals will be stopped

UK plans to end 'politically-motivated' arrest warrants

The UK is planning to stop attempts to secure "politically-motivated" private arrest warrants for visiting foreign officials, the prime minister has said.

Campaigners have applied to the courts to have a number of high-profile figures detained, most recently former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.

Magistrates currently are asked to consider the applications.

The Crown Prosecution Service could now decide if warrants are issued for alleged international law violations.

A warrant for the arrest of Ms Livni was issued at Westminster Magistrates' Court in December last year after moves by pro-Palestinian campaigners angry at Israeli action in Gaza.

Baby found at Islamic centre dies

A newborn boy left at an Islamic centre in Staffordshire has died.

The baby was found wrapped in clothes at about 1030 GMT outside the centre in Beresford Street in the Shelton area of Stoke-on-Trent.

He was taken to the University Hospital of North Staffordshire where he was declared dead at 1230 GMT, Staffordshire Police said.

The area has been cordoned off while officers investigate. Anyone with information should call police.

Members of the Makki Mosque in Shelton who found the baby told BBC Midlands Today he was left on the steps of the Islamic Centre with a note attached saying "please help to bury him".

When the world shook and the days got shorter...

Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says

he earthquake that killed more than 700 people in Chile on Feb. 27 probably shifted the Earth’s axis and shortened the day, a National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientist said.

Earthquakes can involve shifting hundreds of kilometers of rock by several meters, changing the distribution of mass on the planet. This affects the Earth’s rotation, said Richard Gross, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who uses a computer model to calculate the effects.

Racist' school bus drivers 'refusing to stop for young Muslim girls who are wearing the hijab'

School bus drivers have been accused of racism after failing to stop for pupils wearing Muslim hijabs.

Young girls have claimed they are being bullied on board for dressing in the traditional veil which covers the head.

To avoid trouble, ‘cowardly’ drivers are allegedly ignoring pupils who wait at bus stops wearing the headscarf.

Following a police investigation, officers will now be drafted on to board the buses to protect the students from ‘racist’ taunts of other passengers.

The problems centre on Merseytravel and pupils attending West Derby's Holly Lodge Girls' College in Merseyside, where 10 per cent of the 11,274 11 to 18-year-old students are from ethnic minorities.

Members of the Muslim community said the issue was a long-running one.
