
Manchester girl, 16, pleads guilty to terror charges

The Anarchist's Cookbook

BBC News reports that an unnamed 16 year old girl from Manchester has pled guilty to 2 counts of terrorism charges related to posessing documents that were likely to be of use to a person preparing or committing an act of terrorism.

This is linked to the arrest of a 14 year old boy from Blackburn who had previously pleaded guilty to terrorism charges.

There are no specifics, and the article stated that no evidence was found that the girl was aware or played any part in the Anzac Day plot or any plan to harm others or incite terrorism in the UK or elsewhere, the court was told.

Must Read: How the FBI set up Duka Brothers in manufactured terror plot

In 2007, five men were arrested and accused of plotting to attack the Fort Dix military base near Trenton, New Jersey. Among them were the brothers Dritan, Shain and Eljvir Duka. Their case involved highly paid government informants with criminal histories, one of whom worked over the course of roughly 18 months to attempt to implicate them in a plot. Though none of the Duka brothers would ever plan any putative plot, they were ultimately all sentenced to life in prison. They remain incarcerated today.

Watch the short documentary: Entrapped

Would Michael Piggin have been convicted of terrorism related offences if he was Muslim?

On Friday, a teenager named Michael Piggin walked free from court when the jury at a second trial failed to reach a verdict. The prosecutors have stated they will not seek a retrial.

You can read more about it in this article which gives further details of the trial and what Michael Piggin was accused of:

...planning to carry out a murderous attack on his former school, a cinema, a mosque and a council office near his home in the Midlands.

Piggin had earlier pleaded guilty to stockpiling weapons, including petrol bombs and component parts of pipe bombs, but consistently denied he intended to carry out an attack.

One Good Judge


I'm in uni today deleting old files and backing up what's important and I've come across something I wrote a couple of months back.

Remember that story about a rich sheikh torturing some dude who crossed him in business? When I read about it I felt sick and so that day I started to write a was an interesting story and one that didn't get finished. But the prose was smooth and for that reason I didn't want to delete it. So here it is, me getting annoyed with injustice and subsequently getting creative: