
I love spring

I love spring. It is a wonder to behold Allah's Creation coming to life again. I remember before I had converted, but was reading about and contemplating Islam, it was spring time. I sat in the park next to my work and watched the pigeons chasing each other in circles. This was one of the things that convinced me of God, and that all of creation has not occurred by some random accident.

Spring is Here!

I went out today in my back garden, hanging clothes up on the line and just looked and saw how beautiful it was. Then I relise I hardly go out. I used to be a great netball player until I converted to Islam and my teacher wouldn't let me wear trousers instead of short skirts so I gave it up. I'm not sad, just disappionted that I can't keep active. But then I went outside then I asked my mum if we could drive to our nearest park. I walked with her up to the top of the hill then back and I felt fitter. Me and my friends are going running there soon. I'm going to make a weekly thing out of it.