sex education

Relationships, Sexual Education and the Santa Clause

Child drawing on paper

Education has been a hot topic in the media recently. The question of what should be taught when has been a major concern since the effectiveness of some parents in Birmingham who opposed the changes that are to be brought into the Relationship and Sexual Education (RSE) curriculum, which includes normalising alternative or non-binary family structures.

One of the major arguments arguments brought in support of the change is that children will be taught what exists in the real world, so they will be better prepared. The argument goes that homosexuality exists, is real and many children will have parents that are homosexual, so the children need to be taught about it in order to prevent discrimination.

[Pakistan] Fury over doctor's book on sex education for Muslims

Dr Mobin Akhtar is on a mission to educate Pakistanis in sexual matters, but his latest attempt to do so has caused controversy.

The release of his book - Sex Education for Muslims - aims to teach people about sex in a way that is in keeping with Islamic instruction.

Dr Akhtar, 81, says the fact that sex is not discussed in Pakistan is having serious repercussions. As a psychiatrist, he says he has witnessed them himself, and that is why he felt the need to write his book.

Read more @ BBC News

Some schools gain freedom to teach sex education how they wish

Many people are crucifying Ed Balls and the Labour government for this, but I think it is a good move:

MPs pass Ed Balls's controversial change to the sex education bill, allowing faith schools to opt out of rules on teaching homosexuality and contraception

What this *should* mean is that while the subjects still have to be taught, they do not have to tow the government line on such things and pretend it is all happy families.

Even on the issue of contraception it would give the schools the right to put forward a stronger message than they maybe were previously allowed.

ASIAN NEWS ARTICLE- Sex education is parental responsibility says campaigner

Asian News Rochdale The following article was published on the Asian News Site covering the Rochdale campaign against SRE for 5 year old primary school children.

Do children of 5 years of age need to be taught sex Education?

A MUSLIM community activist is campaigning against government plans to introduce sex and relationship education to primary school children as young as five.

Rochdale blogger, Majed Iqbal set up a Facebook campaign this week and has created a campaign video which can be seen on you tube to challenge the plans and is urging both Muslims and non-Muslim parents to join.