
Genealogy software to visualize extended family tree

Es selaam,

Since my wife joined a famous online social network few months ago she has re-connected with nearly 200 family members all around the globe.
Her family can be traced back 36 generations but far from all branches of the family tree have been mapped. Especially not the female side of the extended family. The later generations got scattered across borders, a process that has intensified the past decades as life under the post colonial regimes pushed people out of their ancestral regions to find refuge and better opportunities around the globe.

Firefox 3.6

Just upgraded to the release candidate. and so far things are good.

Scrolling is a little faster, which is throwing me slightly - maybe it is too fast for me?

The layout etc is the same and one behavioural change by default is to open new tabs next to the tab from within which the link was clicked instead of at the end.

Clicking links on the bookmarks bar will still open the tab at the end, but links inside the page will open next to the current tab. This feature may take me some time to get used to as the grouping of tabs has no visual indications unlike in Internet Explorer 8 and I also have to fight my muscle memory.

Windows 7

I managed to get an offer for Windows 7 Professional for £30 (as a download only version - it is available to all people who are "students" or teachers or have access to an email address ending in or and a few others too) and since my Vista installation was both slow and the install of Vista Service Pack two was constantly failing, I thought it would be a good offer to waste the money. I did and this post is being written from Windows 7 Professional.

Essential software - and the rest of it

Now that the biggie is over, the rest is much simpler. Once again, free of cost software only.

If there are any requests, comments, corrections or additions, please go ahead and keep them coming.


7-Zip is a file archiver that supports many formats, and is free.

ISO Recorder - This allows you to burn "iso" disc images from within windows without the need to resort to other programs such as Nero

Anti Spyware

There are two good options that I am aware of here, but I have not used either in a good while:

Essential software - Choose your antivirus carefully

Every Windows Based PC should have an up to date antivirus solution installed. A lot of the popular/advertised options have either a fixed or an annual cost. however, they may not always be the best and could even be resource hogs. There are a few free contenders out there that I am aware of here.

The rule of thumb is: Avoid Norton. It really is a system hog and replacing it with another alternative could give your PC a new lease of life.

Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft's Security Essentials is the new kid on the block and its free to all users who have a legitimate copy of windows, so its a good alternative to the others below where some have a "home use only" requirement.