
**ACTION NEEDED** Face Coverings (Prohibition) Bill to be debated at UK Parliament TOMORROW (28/02/2014)

Urgent action needed.

If you look at the parliamentary schedule for Friday February 28 2014, the 2nd item is "Legislation
Face Coverings (Prohibition) Bill - Second reading - Mr Philip Hollobone"

This is not an official government motion and the chances are this legislation will not be successful.

However, we should not be complacent and we need to protest such attempts at abusing the civil liberties of Muslims.

Limiting Women's freedoms does not increase them.

If we do not protect the rights of Muslim women, we will end up like France

The general elections may be one and a half years away but it seems that electioneering has started.

Until now the Coalition government has focussed on blaming the poor and vulnerable for the poor state of the economy while ignoring their rich friends which fund them and actually created the economic mess.

But now a new front has been opened up recently, as evidenced by a college's attempt to ban the face veil in Birmingham. While the college eventually backed down, it was not without first recieving the full backing of the Prime Minister.

Israel Using Human Shields

EDIT - these videos are old stuff and not related to the current conflict in Gaza. We have no idea what is happening now as foreign journalists are not allowed in. However, Beast does link to something further down the page about Humans shields being used in the current conflict too.


Another video on the same issue after the break.


Rights & Responsibilities Of Husband and Wife

By Sajid Iqbal & Alveena Salim

So you’re married. You’ve completed one half of your Deen. You’ve got your parents off your back and now you’ve got a lifetime to look forward to with the love of your life. You’re sorted innit? Ah, but are you clued up on the rights your partner has over you and the rights you have over your partner? Yep, ‘rights’! In order to make your marriage a success Allah (swt) has prescribed a list of guidelines for husbands and wives, which if followed properly can lead to marital bliss and fewer nights banished to the sofa.

Islam teaches that marriage is ‘half of Deen’ because it fulfils so many basic needs of an individual and of society. But y’ know, most of the problems in Muslim families nowadays are to do with marriage, coz we don't have a clue how to get married Islamically and as a Muslim partner what our rights and responsibilities are. Well ladies & gents, don't worry, as you will learn all this right here, right now!


[i]by Adnan Adrees[/i]

Ever since the PACE Act 1984 (Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) all officers of the law were given new special powers in the fight against crime. Each officer would don a bright coloured uniform and transform into large beasts called "Zords" to battle the evil minions of the uber-villian known as Crime Lord. In a desperate bid to reduce crime officers could "frisk" the people of Britain in order to weed out the evil minions.

Issue 8: Aliyah & Jameela

By Sara Salim and "Imaani" Aslam

Jameela: Asalaam Alaikum Sis, I see you've dyed your hair again?

Aliyah: Yep. Looks good don't it? What do you think?

Jameela: Erm... I think you may have overdone it with the blonde highlights, not too sure if it suits your skin tone... but hey, what's with the makeover anyway?

Aliyah: Well, you're looking at the new me. I've decided I'm through with all this being a Muslim girl thing. Now people know that I ain't one of those girls they can order about. I've decided I ain't taking no crap any more.

Jameela: Well that's great, respecting yourself is really important, but what's taking crap got to do with being and looking like a Muslim?