
Women will be able to receive the morning-after pill by courier

Morning after pill can be ordered online and delivered to an address in London within two hours for £20

Women will soon be able to have the morning-after pill delivered by courier to their office.

A ‘pill-by-bike’ emergency contraception service is being launched in London to save women from visiting their GP or waiting for the post to arrive.

This is the first time the morning-after pill will be delivered to the door like a business contract, with the service prompted by customer demand

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Contraception: Halal or Haram?

By Shaykh Salim Ghisa

The rule for contraception is different depending on the type of contraception used.

The basic ruling for contraception identifies two types:
1) Permanent Contraception
2) Temporary Contraception

1) Permanent Contraception

Any permanent form of contraception such as permanent sterilisation, the removal of ovaries, vasectomy etc is not permissible unless there is a risk of serious illness or death if it is not performed. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. A person is taking an unnecessary risk to their health by having such an operation or procedure.
  2. A person is permanently changing the nature of the body from what Allah has created.