Humood AlKhudher - Kun Anta | حمود الخضر - كن أنت
Peaceful <3
EDIT: Video's not seemed to upload for some strange reason.
Dedicated to all lovely Mother's <3
I was a foolish little child
We are happy to invite you to Muslim Aids CNE (Children’s Night of Empowerment) tour with
Kamal Uddin
Abdullah Rolle
With comedy from Prince Abdi
Also featuring a dramatic and exclusive performance by Gatton Primary School.
Friday 2nd November at 6.15pm
The royal Regency
501 High Street North, Manor Park, E12 6TH
Tickets: £10 (All your proceeds from this event will benefit needy children)
To book your tickets visit or call 020 7377 4200
Beautiful Nasheed read by Brother Ahmed Mansuri.
Allah Allahu
Ya Khaliqal-Akwaan - O creator of the Worlds
Ya Munzilal-Qur2an - O revealer of the Quran
Ya Khaliqal-Akwaan - O creator of the Worlds
Ya Munzilal-Qur2an - O revealer of the Quran
Zidni Minal-Iman - Increase me in faith
Allahu ya allah - Allah, Oh Allah
Allah Allahu
Ighfirli Ya Rabbi - Forgive for me, my Lord..
3iSyani Wa Dhanbi - disobedience and my sins
Ighfirli Ya Rabbi - Forgive for me, my Lord..
3iSyani Wa Dhanbi - disobedience and my sins
Addam3u Fi 3ayni - Tears are in my eyes
Far7amni Ya Allah - So have mercy on me, Oh Allah