
Test Your Knowledge - Ramadan & Eid Quiz 2008

1. The Eid which comes immediately after Ramadan is called:

A. Eid ul Adha
B. Mawlid un Nabi
C. Eid ul Fitr
D. Ashura

2. Seclusion in the Mosque in the last ten days of Ramadan is called:

A. Istikhara
B. Istinja
C. I’tikaaf
D. Istighfar

3. If a person abstained from food, drink and sexual intercourse without having any intention, is their fast valid?

A. Yes
B. No

4. Having a wet dream breaks the fast.

A. True
B. False

5. The reward of obligatory deeds in Ramadan is multiplied by how much?

A. 60
B. 70
C. 80
D. 90

6. Worship in the night of Laylatul Qadr is better than the worship of:

A. 1000 days
B. 1000 weeks
C. 1000 months
D. 1000 years

Test Your Knowledge - Islamic Quiz 2008

Test Your Knowledge - Islamic Quiz 2008

1. In which city was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) born?

* Mecca
* Riyadh
* Madina
* Jeddah

2. Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) father, Abdullah, died before he was born, but how old was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when his mother Aminah died?

* 2
* 6
* 8
* 9

3. How old was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when Angel Jibra’il (as) appeared to him, in a cave at Mount Hira in Mecca, with the first revelation of the Holy Quran?

* 11
* 21
* 23
* 40

4. The Islamic year is based on the 12 months of the lunar calendar, not the solar calendar. What is the name of the last month in the Islamic calendar?

* Rabi Al-awwal
* Ramadan
* Dhul Hijjah

Test of Faith: secular, part time or practising Muslim?

1 - It's time for Maghrib prayer, and Eastenders is on at the same time. What do you do?

A - Watch Eastenders of course! It’s a one hour special today.

B - Watch Eastenders and then rush to read Maghrib, with the episodes events still in your mind.

C - Read Maghrib, you don’t watch Eastenders.

2 - How many prayers (Salaah) do you read in a day?

A - I don’t pray - ever!

B - I read my Jummah, read the Eid prayer twice a year and read a prayer here and there.

C - I try to read all five prayers a day.

3 - How did you fast in Ramadan?

A - Didn’t fast, it's too hard.

How Do You Fast?

Find out how you REALLY spend Ramadan and what kind of Muslim you are:

1. The moon has been sighted, Ramadan has officially begun - how do you feel?

A. Excited! You can't wait to keep your first fast. You intend to derive the most out of Ramadan this year.
B. You get irritated at the thought of waking up for Sehri but look forward to keeping your first fast.
C. You feel depressed. This is gonna be a loooooooong month. You can't do jack in Ramadan.

2. Mums waking you up for Sehri - do you…

A. Jump out of bed at the first call, there's BARE blessings at this time! This is the time prayers get accepted.

Test Of Faith - Let's See Who You Really Are!

Read the following questions and choose the appropriate response. This will give you an idea of what kind of a Muslim you really are:

A rude scene comes on Telly while you’re sat with your family. Do you…

A - Rush for the remote, switch off the telly, whilst muttering under your breath “ASTAGFIRULLAH”, I can’t believe the amount of filth they show. This is what we get from living in a kufr society”
B - Become embarrassed and quickly change the channel.
C - You watch the Telly from the corner of your eye.