
Issue 15: What's He Chattin' About?

There are many words we read and hear but aren’t too sure what they mean. The Revival attempts to define some Islamic terms used, or associated with articles, in this issue:

Iblis – the personal name of the Devil. He is also called Shaytan or “the enemy of Allah”.

Jummah – the day of gathering, Friday, and particularly the Jummah prayer which is performed instead of Zuhr by those who attend it. Friday only acquired this name with the coming of Islam, before that it was known as al-Aruba.

Kafir – a person who rejects Allah and His Messenger (pbuh).The plural is Kafirun of Kufaar.

What's He Chattin' About?

There are many words we read and hear but aren’t too sure what they mean. So The Revival attempts to define some Islamic terms used in this issue...

Alim/Alimah – a man/woman of knowledge, a scholar, especially in the sciences of Islam.

Fiqh – the science of the application of the Sharia. A practitioner or expert in Fiqh is called a Faqih.

Fard al-'ayn - an individual obligation.

Fard al-kifaya - a collective obligation, something which is obligatory for the community as a whole and is satisfied if one adult performs it.

Ghiba – backbiting, slander, mentioning anything about a person that they would dislike to hear, even if it is true.

What's He Chattin' About?

There are many words we read and hear but aren’t too sure what they mean. So The Revival attempts to define some Islamic terms used in this issue:

Ansar - means the 'Helpers.' They are the Muslims of Madina who helped the Muhajireen (immigrants) of Makka in the process of settling down in the new environment in Madina.

Fitnah - trial or tribulation; also refers to any period of disorder or the period of time before the end of the world or any civil strife.

Istighfar – to ask the forgiveness of Allah (swt), especially by saying, ‘Astaghfiru’llah’ (I seek the forgiveness of Allah (swt))