
Belgian lawmakers pass burka ban

More if women want to wear it and do wear it, they will potentially be made to go indoors (into a cell - eitehr pay a fine or upto 7 days imprisonment).

Very liberating.

There are also suggestions that there are a huge number of women who wear the burka in Belgium. Thirty.

Belgium's lower house of parliament has voted for a law that would ban women from wearing the full Islamic face veil in public.

The law would ban any clothing that obscures the identity of the wearer in places like parks and on the street. No-one voted against it.

The law now goes to the Senate, where it may face challenges over its wording, which may delay it.

If passed, the ban would be the first move of its kind in Europe.

Learning from the Gypsy community

A while ago on the forums I was linked to a Channel 4 Production titled "My Big Gypsy Wedding" - a look at the gypsy community, its challenges and its customs.

It was quite an eye opener for me and I think we should envy some of the things they have accomplished and others they have managed to keep. Ideas that many Muslims are rebelling against, they have managed to keep. Using words written by Rawrrs to describe a few of the things I am talking about:

The parents don't want kids to drink, smoke, do drugs, or go out on their own/without their permission.

No 'relations' before marriage

One day, they will kick you out

When I was younger (and this may still be the case in many places), there was a fear within the immigrant community - one day we will be kicked out, told to go back home.

This started decades ago from when the labourers came over to earn money with a view of returning "back home". This meant that they saved up money and sent it back, maybe even built mansions there, to eventually return to. They lived more affordable lives here - if they were going to get kicked out or leave voluntarily, there was no point building a future here.

Tribalism, shoes and the modern day

You must have all heard about tribalism and why it is the work of satan. Then the gossip from the aunties would have firmed up your opinion on the whole subject. Why would any sane person hold to such notions? They wouldn't. They are listening to satan. FACT.

Not only that, most of these tribes have stupid names. Translated to English, some of the Indian subcontinent tribes mean things like Shoemaker, Builder, Farmer, blacksmith, warrior, governor, toilet cleaner... All stupid names for a tribe.

Or are they? I would like to there are reasons for these "groupings", it is simple. A shoemaker makes shoes. Just like the modern day equivalent "taxi driver" drives taxi's.