Iodine made America Smarter (and Healthier) - Pakistanis are scared of it.
published by You on 24 July, 2013 - 00:49
In Pakistan, adding Iodine can get you killed though as there has been common stories about how the west is trying to sterilise them to stop future generations...
When you go Pakisan, you will see a lot of people with inflamed necks/throats. This is also due to iodine defficiency and it can be cured for around 5 years from first inflammation. After that it can become permanent.
To be fair to Pakistanis, the CIA did use the polio vaccine program as a major front in their hunt for Bin Laden. When people lise trust with medical programs, this causes problems, like the recent rise in Measles in the UK following the MMR vaccination scare a decade or so ago.