
IMI’s Masjid As-Subul Meat-free zone BBQ with Dr. Elham Manea of the University of Zurich, speaking on ‘Humanistic Islam’

IMI’s Masjid As-Subul Meat-free zone BBQ with Dr. Elham Manea of the University of Zurich, speaking on ‘Humanistic Islam’

Date: Saturday 17 August 2013
Time: 3pm
Location: Highbury Fields, London, N4
We are honoured to have Dr. Elham Manea of the University of Zurich attending and giving a talk on ‘Humanistic Islam’.Facebook event: 

September 11 And Conversions To Islam

Sajid Iqbal

A year and a half has passed since September 11th 2001. Now you would have thought that the events of 9/11 would have made non-Muslims hate Islam and the Muslims forever.

You would have thought that the September 11 attacks would have damaged the name of Islam forever but you know what…

It made many people study Islam to understand who exactly the Muslims are and what they’re all about. It made people go out and buy the Koran and as a result many British, Americans and non-Muslims across the world have accepted Islam! The huge interest in Islam since September 11 has brought a massive increase in conversions to Islam as never ever seen before. Now let’s check out the facts:


The Observer

The Day That Changed My Life... Forever!

Sister Khadijah

Unbeknown to me 1996 was a year in which my life would change dramatically.

I was in the second year of my post-qualifying job and generally speaking my life was relatively okay. I had many plans for my future - of travelling the world and earning lots of money.

However my plans did not seem to correspond with what Allah (swt) had planned for me. And much to the shock and horror of my family and friends I embraced Islam at Regents Park Mosque, London.

Prior to embracing Islam I had never had any contact with Muslims and I literally did not know anything about Islam except what I had seen on TV. Moving from a rural area to a city to study was to lead to my first encounter with the Muslim community.