
Doctors 'should have the right to KILL unwanted or disabled babies at birth

Doctors 'should have the right to KILL unwanted or disabled babies at birth as they are not a real person' claims former Oxford academic

Doctors should have the right to kill newborn babies because they are disabled, too expensive or simply unwanted by their mothers, an academic with links to Oxford University has claimed.

The piece argues that, though the child may be happy, it will not reach the potential of a normal child.

‘To bring up such children might be an unbearable burden on the family and on society as a whole’

Abortion: Gender claims probed by Department of Health

The Department of Health has launched an inquiry into claims that doctors agreed to carry out abortions on the grounds of the sex of unborn babies.

The Daily Telegraph said it had secretly filmed doctors at a number of British abortion clinics.

The doctors are said to have agreed to terminate foetuses when women did not want their baby because of its gender.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said sex selection was "illegal and morally wrong" and he had ordered an inquiry


New Rules For Women Considering Abortion

The Department of Health is to announce plans for a new system of independent counselling for women before they finally commit to terminating a pregnancy.

Pro-life campaigners suggest the change, designed to give women more "breathing space", could result in up to 60,000 fewer abortions each year in Britain.

Last year, 202,400 were carried out.

Full story http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16058300

Single, Muslim and Pregnant

Alveena Salim

As an East London girl, it wasn’t unusual to see crowds of Muslim guys standing outside libraries waiting to try it on with any girl that passed through the door. Nor was it unusual to see groups of Muslim guys standing on top of street corners making comments at girls that walked past.

It definitely wasn’t unusual to see a guy drive round the same block at least four times just to take another look at a girl. Guys chased the girls. The girls played hard to get. But a couple of years down the line, I don’t see that any more. Why? Coz guys don’t need to chase girls any more.