Metropolitan Police

Army or Police?

why do we have army and police? why not just police?

well what i see physicaly is the army killing people overseas. no achievements. no change. just killing.

police is nessesary but why army? for example british troops killing people in the middle east. Ummah taking over britain.

who is winning if its a war? the british kill a few and then eventually leave. wile the Ummah is here to stay and spreading.

type "islam will take over the world in 50 years" on

i think we should all scrap the army and focus on having a strong loyal but Conscientious police force.

what is the purpouse of the army? why do we really need them?

Met Police authorised to use plastic bullets at student protests, university

Metropolitan Police Officers at tomorrow's student protests in London will have the right to fire plastic bullets at protesters, it has emerged this week.

The demonstration, endorsed by the National Union of Students (NUS), is the second major protest against the rise in university tuition fees in as many years.

In 2012/13, the University of Southampton will be charging prospective students £9,000 per year, the maximum allowed, for tuition.