pillars of islam

Hajj And Eid-Al-Adhaa – Two Gifts Of Dhul-Hijjah

Islamic calendar comprises of 12 different months, each of them having its own significance; “Dhul-hijjah” being the last of them and perhaps the most important of them as well, because it offers Muslims all around the world the honor of “Hajj”, followed by “Eid-al-Adhaa”.

The two of these are considered to be the most revered of religious occasions (celebrations, in fact) for Muslims. This post serves to furnish you with some basic information about both “Hajj” as well as “Eid-al-Adhaa”.For more details please visit the site below:


Exploring The Colors Of Life The Islamic Way

Islam, as a religion, graced humanity some 1400 years ago. Allah Almighty bestowed humanity with the praiseworthy presence of Muhammad (PBUH) as last of His Apostles. Since then, Muhammad (PBUH) serves humanity as the last human guide ever to lead humanity to the ways of Allah Almighty, the sole creator of the universe, aided by the Holy Scripture referred as Quran. In fact, Muslims believe that the life of Muhammad (PBUH) and Quran are the two main pillars supporting the foundations of Islam.

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