
Schools in England should be fined if pupils leave school with poor literacy skills

Schools in England should be fined if pupils leave school with poor literacy skills, an independent report into last year's riots says.

It adds they should demonstrate how they are building pupils' characters, and give careers advice to each child.

In its final report into disturbances, the Riots, Communities and Victims Panel puts schools firmly in the spotlight for preventing future riots.

But head teachers have dismissed the recommendations as unrealistic

Islamic Channel Noor TV fined £75,000 for charging viewers for prayers

Noor TV has been fined a hefty £75,000 after it broadcast a show allowing viewers to donate money to the channel in return for prayers for themselves or for their relatives.

A complainant was concerned that a programme exploited the audience by encouraging viewers to donate money to Noor TV in return for the channel arranging special prayers inside Prophet Muhammad's mosque in Medina. The complainant noted that many of the callers who donated money asked for prayers to be made to assist with their medical, financial and personal problems.