Quran recitation

RAMADHAAN SPIRITUAL- Last 10 Tarawih Nights 2012: Imams from Makkah & Egypt in LONDON

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

Tayyibun Foundation invites you and your family this Ramadhaan to join us for:

[B]Ramadhaan Spiritual[/B][I]
[B]LAST 1O NIGHTS OF TARAWIH (Ramadhaan 1433 / 2012)[/B][/I]
Prayers will be led by Imams & Quraa' from Makkah (Saudi Arabia) and Egypt


The Importance Of Fasting Six Days in Shawal After Ramadan

After the end of the month of Ramadan, the month of Shawal begins. Shawal in Arabic means uplift or breakage. This meaning has historical importance as before the spread of Islam, Arabs were of the view that weddings that take place during the month of Shawal result in unsuccessful marriages.For more details please visit the site below:
