Night Of Qadar

The Night Of Qadar: Significance, Prayers And Worship

The word Qadar stands for honor and dignity. In this regard, the night of Qadar means that it is the night of honor and dignity. It is considered to be among the most blessed and auspicious nights and is expected to take place on any one of the odd nights of the last ten days of the Holy month of Ramadan.

The night of Qadar is full of blessings and rewards. Its significance in Islam is a lot. People cannot deny the importance of this night in Islam.For more details about this topic, than click on a link below:

Itikaf, The Night Of Qadar And The Last Ten Days Of Ramadan

The Holy month of Ramadan is full of blessings and rewards for all Muslims. But, a special emphasis is placed on the last ten days of this month because of several reasons. The last ten days of the Holy month are prestigious as reflected from the recommendations and actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during these days.During these days, the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions would perform three essential tasks or practices.

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