Islamic religion

Saudi Arabia the home of Islam

Saudi Arabia the home of Islam

Having read some of the articles on the Revival web site about how hard done too followers of Islam are in Britain, examples;

1] Sisters only swimming in Birmingham, not only do they require woman only swim sessions [fair enough] but some even seem to want to ban non Muslim women at the same session.

2] Learning and Speaking English Language; As this is used as a way of weakening Islam control of their members. Most Muslims born in the UK can speak, read and write English. Also they have [some] the ability to speak the language of their parents/grandparents [partly because their grandparents especially speak very little English] But it is not just Muslims who are being asked to learn English as a matter of course.

Hajj – A Religious Obligation Of Great Prospects For Muslims

For Muslims, true success lies in submitting themselves wholly to the wish and will of The Mightiest, living their lives as a means to appease Allah Almighty, following all the obligations of their religion. The religion for a true Muslim remains insignificant without observing five aspects, referred commonly as “Five Pillars of Islam”.They include

* Testimony of faith

* Prayers (Salath)

* Fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm)

* The Pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj)

* Giving charity (Zakat)

For more details please visit the site below:

Learn Quran Before You Pass Any Kind Of Judgment

No matter what people say and believe, an unbiased study of history (let alone religion) reveals that Islam brought a revolution of its own kind that not only affected the people of a particular region, religion, or ethnicity, but it became a worldwide phenomenon soon just a few decades after its completion.

What Muslims believe is that Islam is the last religion offered by God Almighty to all humanity to come till The Day of Resurrection, believing in what God Almighty states in Holy Scripture of Muslims. For more details please visit the site below:

Beautiful and Pretty Mosques of the World

Islam has been around for centuries now and Muslims had the opportunity to rule the world with the Islamic way of life. It was during this period that Muslims spread the Quran education all over the world. For some years, Muslims were the torch bearers of literature, science and architect. It is during this rule that you can observe the greatest creations and achievements of Muslims.For more details please visit the site below: