cousin marriage

Should all Muslim Marraiges be registered under UK Law?

There was a programme on BBC 4 on the 22nd August 2016 at 16:30

This was a talk on Sharia Law or Councils within the UK. Whilst it as not compulsory for a Muslim to use it and it as no backing of UK Law, which is still Primary Law of the UK.

It deals mainly with family law, divorce, inheritance, custody of children etc.

What came out of it was the suggestion of all Muslim marriages in the UK to be registered by the register office official in a similar manner to anyone else who gets married in the UK.

Muslim parents kill daughter for being too westernised

The parents of Cheshire schoolgirl Shafilea Ahmed, the victim of a so-called honour killing, have been charged with her murder.

The sister of the Cheshire schoolgirl who went missing in 2003 saw their parents kill her, a court has heard.

At the start of their trial at Chester Crown Court, the jury heard Alesha Ahmed witnessed the killing.

Mr Edis said she drank bleach on the trip as her parents tried to bully her into an arranged marriage.

"She was a thoroughly Westernised young British girl of Pakistani origin. Her parents had standards which she was reluctant to follow."

The court heard Shafilea was taken to Pakistan by her family in 2003 in an attempt to force her into a marriage

Report: Cousin marriage rates increasing in UK Pakistani community

Bradford's cousin marriage boom

The tradition of marrying a cousin is becoming more entrenched among British-born Pakistanis living in Bradford than it was a generation ago, writes Winifred Robinson.

Read more: Bradford's cousin marriage boom

Interesting to note that this is INCREASING as opposed to the to-me-atleast expected decline over time.

[Let's Talk Show] The Marriage Show


A discussion of marriage with Imam Irfan Chishti.

The Imam was late to the studio, and his question and answers section is in part 2, which is listed separately above. The general studio banter and discussions about marriage before his arrival are recorded in part 1.

Presenters: Zahid Maqbool, Sajid Iqbal

Guests: Imam Irfan Chishti

Broadcast Date: 27 August 2010
Duration: Part 1 - 48min, Part 2 - 2hr 10min

Dispatches: When Cousins Marry

Assalamu alaikum,

Anyone seen this documentary on 4od, i came across it today:


Apparently concerns mostly Pakistanis, but also effects Bangladeshis and some of middle eastern dissent.

To tell the truth i thght bangladeshis had removed themselves from marrying cousins, and if they did it was not first cousins. Least thats how it is in my family and those around me none of us married cousins and ppl i know who have have married distant cousins, sadly against their wishes.