bbc news website

"Palestinian fury" as 'Jewish settler' arson attack kills child

I am not going to comment on the news, but how it is portrayed on the BBC News website.

The murder of a toddler is belittled to simply a Palestinian issue.

The headline is providing subtext to the whole story if you don't pay attention, it is easily gone undetected.

Normally words for a headline are carefully chosen to portray the most meaning in the least words.

Here the headline would have been a lot more poignant if the word "Palestinian" was either not present or present later in the sentence to further describe the child.

Instead it is added to the start where it takes away from the headline and story as a whole.

The Hook to be Extradited

Abu Hamza extradition decision welcomed by UK and US

The UK and US have welcomed a European court ruling that paves the way for Abu Hamza al-Masri and four other terrorism suspects to be extradited to America.


On Monday, the European Court of Human Rights denied the radical cleric and the other men a final appeal.

The Home Office said the extraditions would happen "as quickly as possible".

Meanwhile, it has emerged that the Queen had voiced concerns about the inability of authorities to arrest a man she felt must have broken UK laws.