Qur'an, Ahadith and other stuff about Ramadan and Fasting.
published by You on 15 August, 2010 - 16:11
I'll go first. Verse of the Qur'an:
and a hadith taken from here:
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 115
I'll go first. Verse of the Qur'an:
and a hadith taken from here:
Sahih Bukhari :: Book# 31 :: Hadith# 115
Whether you are fasting today or tomorrow a big Ramadan Mubarak to you all.
Hope everyone gets the best out of this month.
So what are you hoping to acheive in ramadan? Any personal targets?
Make duaa for the ummah inshallah
We've only got a month or so to go and someone mentioned yesterday that there should be a Ramadan thread.
So, all talks of preparations, aspirations and perspirations related to Ramadan can go in here.
Are you looking forward to Ramadan? Do you have any goals for the month? What will make you think of the month as a success? What would you consider a failure?