
Do you still want to drive?

with all the information that is being hammered in our head about cars and how polluting they are and how they destroy the environment etc... do you still want to drive?

i do want my driver license, but i dont think i want to buy my own car (more for the cost etc.. than the enviromental side) i'll just use my dad's car. i will definatly keep on using the bus etc.. and hopefully will only use the car when necessary.

what about you?

Abu Dhabi building the city of the future [Masdar CIty]

It seems a pretty intriguing concept and unlike what its oil resurces suggest, this will not be running on oil. The opposite actually.

It is aimed to cause zero pollution, will have no cars and will also have automated "pods" to transport people about. the buildings will be built in a way to reduce the amounbt of heat absorbed and much more.