
I see a rainbow

From the bridge near Oldham College that has like half the windows smashed.

The rainbow was one of the brightest that another passer by had seen and you could see the full arc clearly - too bit though to get captured in a photo.

Bad weather Monday

Well, today was not the best of weathers we have had.

I got caught standing in a shop door trying to stop the hailstones killing me.

I can categorically state that I did not (consciously) provoke their rage.

And then later on, I saw a rainbow. A passerby noted how it was the brightest rainbow he had seen in years - there was a full arc.

But my phone camera is not too good in showing the bright colours - it washes such things out (like when I took a photo of some traffic lights and instead of neon red and green, they came across as closer to faded out white).