Ottoman empire

Centenary marking the end of the battle of Canakkale/Gallipoli

One of the bloodiest battles in modern history came to an end a century ago, with casualties and losses numbering half a million people. The following explanation of the battle is taken from Yursil Blog:

Sheykh Effendi taught us a few weeks ago about the War of Canakkale, 1915 , many others continued to ask and learn about this great battle that most Muslims are sorely unaware of.

How Muslims killed Dracula

Born in the Ottoman Principality of Wallachia, Romania in 1435 AD, he was known as Radu al III-lea cel Frumos to his Romanian countrymen, Yakışıklı Radu Bey to the Turks, Radu al-Wasim to the Arabs, and Radu the Handsome in English. This ally and childhood friend of Sultan Mehmet II was instrumental in the conquest of Constantinople for Islam. Radu’s participation in that conquest ensured that Mehmet II would go down in history as “Fatih,” or “Conqueror.”

War of Canakkale

Also known as the Gallipoli campaign.

Sheykh Effendi taught us a few weeks ago about the War of Canakkale, 1915 , many others continued to ask and learn about this great battle that most Muslims are sorely unaware of.

This was one of the last battles under the Khalifate of Islam, and created over 253,000 martyrs. Western orientalist histories emphasize Attaturks involvement, but it is clear that at this time he was just one field commander. The martyrs of this war were sincere Muslims, who gave their life knowing that this entry into Muslim territory would be the end of Islam as a nation.

Adhaan was performed with Salawat in Ottoman times - an account from Egypt

From Yursil:

Would Muslims of that age even recognize the innovated shortened Azan that we hear today?

The calls during the night are long chants, that of the daytime is much shorter. Mr. Lane renders it thus: ”God is most Great ” (four times repeated). “I testify that there is no deity but God ” (twice). ” I testify that Mohammed is God’s Apostle ” (twice). “Come to prayer ” (twice). “Come to security ” (twice). “God is most Great” (twice). “There is no deity but God.”

Caravans Of Royal Gifts (Surre Alayi)

The word surre means the gifts and precious goods that were donated by the Sultan and citizens of the Ottoman Empire every year and which were sent to Mecca and Medina during the pilgrimage season.

The Surre caravan was sent along with the pilgrims on the 12 of Rajab, the first of the three blessed months, so that it could arrive in Mecca in time for the pilgrimage. The caravan spent the holy month of Ramadan in Damascus, and then distributed the gifts in Mecca. After performing the pilgrimage, the hajj, the caravan would depart for its return journey.

Was the Ottoman empire a force for good or evil?

I have mentioned on here quite a few time how the "Middle-eastern front" in World War one is often overlooked and many do not know that a major part of world war one was the decimation of the ottoman empire.

However, something that has not been discussed, nor have I looked at is the Ottoman empire itself.

How was it run? Was it a force for good or evil?

Why did everyone want to break away?

I think we can all agree that the Armenian genocide was absolutely appalling, but other than that, what else was there (especially in the late Ottoman empire)?