
Immigration: the big lie – video


A quarter of Britons think the government should encourage immigrants and their families to leave. That's people like Mehdi Hasan. He argues that while hostility to outsiders may not be a new phenomenon, the so-called immigration debate is now toxically out of control. Anti-immigration sentiment isn't a result of increased immigration, but fear and prejudice

Rewatch and read comments on The Guardian website

Up to 50,000 migrants 'exploited student visa flaw to work in UK'

Up to 50,000 migrants may have exploited flaws in a new student visa system in its first year to come and work in the UK, a report by Whitehall's spending watchdog says

Under a system introduced in 2009, each student must be sponsored by a licensed college and cannot change institution without gaining permission.

But "key controls" had not been put in place, the National Audit Office found.

George Carey isn't helping

Former Archbishop George Carey wants to limit immigration in order to protect this country’s Christian heritage and restrain the far right. Yet it is his jaundiced view of the state of this country that gives comfort and succour to the bigots and racists.

Rather than looking honestly at issues of integration, extremism and community cohesion, he repeats misconceptions about immigrants and yearns for an unattainable, simpler, imagined past. It is his prescription of curbs on immigration, curbs on the rights of immigrants, curbs on the expression of immigrant culture, and, crucially, limits on population size that will help not hinder the nightmare future of a Britain ruled by dogmatic extremists.